Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Last night Tom started his first round, of six, chemotherapy treatments.  About an hour before he took the chemo he took the anti-nausea medication.  Prior to bed, with much trepidation and angst, Tom swallowed the four menacing pills.  We prayed before bed and turned out the lights.  I am all about "believing in faith", however my practical side said to have the "puke pail" ready.  The devil speaks to me on every detail of this journey questioning my faith...such as, "if you really had faith you wouldn't need the puke pail".  I quickly turn my thoughts to God and say, "is my practicality not faith?".  I toss these thoughts constantly before my God who assures me with His sweet word:
"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.  We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete."
II Corinthians 10:3-6
My mind is a battlefield and I refuse to allow the devil an opportunity.  This journey has taught me more than I wanted to know about having faith.  Anyway, the night was restless with Tom experiencing sleeplessness (which causes me sleeplessness, especially when he turns on the TV) and his muscle spasms were especially bothersome.  We were so thankful that he didn't experience any nausea during the night.  Other than feeling a little "blah" he said he was fine.  We routinely went through our morning ritual and prepared for therapy.  While driving 65 mph in the center lane, heading south on 315 in the pouring rain, Tom says, "I have to puke"....eghhhhhhhhh!  I quickly got to the side of the road (God even allowed it to be under a bridge), jumped out, popped open the back end where I had a new "puke bag" from the last ER visit, grabbed it and got it to Tom before he hurled!  As prepared as I think I am..."it" always catches me by surprise!  As we sat at the edge of the road, the world zooming by, I called the rehab center and said Tom wouldn't be there today.  We turned around and headed home.
Once home and now totally out of routine, Tom wasn't sure what to do with himself.  He decided he would lay in bed while I read to him (becoming one of our favorite past times).  We finished the book Unbroken, which held us by it's amazing story of survival and God's plan for a life.  Sarah gave Tom the book for his birthday and she actually has met Louis Zamperini who is a WWII veteran and some 90+ years young!  We look forward to meeting him one day too.  We encourage everyone to read it, especially if you are a history buff like our nephew, Timothy!  (hint)
Many of you have faithfully prayed for and asked about my mom.  She sounds great and is looking forward to going home from the hospital today.  She had hoped that yesterday she could go home, however her INR levels were not where the doctor wanted them.  Today they are in a good place to go home.  Please join me in praying that mom will "lay low" while her body continues to heal.  She is not one to "lay low" and busy is her middle name!  Thank you for lifting her up in prayer. 
Great Harvest Cinnamon Bread for Sunday Morning
Compliments of Carylee Meyers
Always a hit at our house...thank you!
Sunday Evening Asian Feast
Compliments of Scott Nishisaki
Delicious treat, thank you!
Tonights Pot Roast, Potatoes, Carrots & Bread
Compliments of Linda Homoelle
Nothing like a good old fashioned pot roast dinner, thank you! 

1 comment:

Barb said...

Bless your hearts...I'll pray that the adjustment to the new meds goes better as the week progresses. I'm so glad to hear that your mom is doing so well..will pray that she takes it easy. The book Unbroken is a wonderful book...we all read it and it is so full of God's sovereignity...and also shows that God's timing is so different than ours. Praying for you continually.
