Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Sunday, November 24, 2013

New Birth, New Home

Congratulations Dan & Brittany!
A healthy 7 lb. 4 oz. baby boy joins big brother, Declan
Holden David Magee
And again, “I will put My trust in Him.”
And again, “Behold, I and the children whom God has given Me.”
Hebrews 2:13
This Thanksgiving it will be an honor to travel with Matthew and my parents to Michigan to visit the Magee family and meet Holden!
"The Move"

I am safely and comfortably settled into my new condo thanks to the help of so many!  My parents top the list and win the award for "getting 'er done"!  I am so blessed to have them here at this time to offer such help.  Not only were they instrumental in helping with the last minute packing, loading, cleaning, unpacking and PAINTING!  They just finished painting the exterior of their home in Florida and now have contributed to painting two bedrooms and two bathrooms at my home AND the family room, office, bedroom and bathroom at Zac and Sarah's also!  They are ready to retire their paintbrushes for awhile!  I want to "shout out" to Zac, Sarah, Terry, Kelly, Nathan, Doug, Carylee, & Ginny too for their help, encouragement, food and love toward me in this BIG change.  I told my mom, "I feel like I'm house-sitting with my furniture!".  So far I am feeling quite settled and have enjoyed the decorating process, however if I stop long enough to think too much about it I can feel very sad.  I continue to choose to be thankful:  beautiful home, family, friends, a new job, feeling well and my salvation.  What an awesome Thanksgiving service we had today!  I was so moved by the worship songs and challenge given to reach out to those who do not share in the hope of heaven that I have...YES, I am blessed and thankful.
Thank You, Lori Miller...
A house-warming Gerber daisy and my first Christmas ornament for my new home...
a perfect reminder to...PRAISE HIM!
Some Sneak Peaks of my Condo...
I was told not to put my new address on this blog sight, so...
Either email me or Facebook message me if you want my new address!
Noah & Brady Dotson
What a fun "Sister Date" I had traveling to Greenwich, Ohio to see another amazing theater production by SCHS.  What a great job my cousin's boys did in
"Fiddler on the Roof".
I'm always thrilled to be able to go and I've never been disappointed!
"O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
For His lovingkindness is everlasting."
I Chronicles 16:34

Saturday, November 2, 2013


It's a GIRL!
Collins Avery Wyszynski
Saturday, November 2, 2013
5:30 a.m. ~ 7lbs. 6oz. ~ 19"
What a sweet surprise to have my great-niece enter this world one day shy of her Great Uncle Tom's birthday!  Tomorrow would have been Tom's 51st celebration here but I'm sure heaven is still celebrating! We do celebrate Tim and Lauren and congratulate them on a beautiful baby girl.
Great Aunt Lisa & Baby Collins
Today was the season opener for MVNU Basketball.  What fun it was to cheer Matt and the Mount Vernon Cougars to a 90-62 victory over Purdue University - North Central.  After the game Zac, Sarah, Matt, Liz and I went to Parkside Restaurant to celebrate Matt's birthday (11/4, the day after Tom's).  It's been tradition for the last 22 years to celebrate Tom and Matt's birthdays longer two celebrations...just one celebration and one remembrance. 
Happy 22nd Birthday, Matt!
Life is busy...
Surgery is over...
A new job has begun...
Packing is in full swing...
Zac and Sarah will close on their " new" home on November 8th...
I will close on my new condo on November 14th...
Recovering from surgery, starting a new job and moving, has me spinning in many directions!  I'm looking forward to my parents coming into town for the month to help with many of the details of this move and to celebrate my favorite holiday...THANKSGIVING!  Thank you for your continued prayers as I make these major life changes...I've never lived alone.  I'm not excited about that fact BUT I am excited for Zac and Sarah to have 'another' new start to their young married life!
Janice Akers visits before surgery!

Thank You, Paul & Ellen Schoonover for your beautiful way of remembering Tom!
MVNU Seniors:
Matt Anglea ~ Caleb Williams ~ Garrison Hinkle
Zac & Sarah at the Ohio State vs. Penn State Game