Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cherishing Every Moment

Sarah & Zac
I can't tell you what a blessing it is to have Zac and Sarah here with us full-time!  They have jumped into the roles of "care takers" with gusto, always ready to lend a hand and help Tom.  Not only are they helping with Tom but they are helping me in the details of life:  Sarah doing laundry, dishes and cleaning duties...Zac stepping up to the plate with the "man chores":  walking the dog, feeding the dog, taking out the trash, hauling wood and all the things Tom used to do around the house.  I've had a couple of times where I've clamped Tom's IV too tight and couldn't get it undone when Zac came to our rescue!  I'm learning that it doesn't need to be clamped down so tightly.  Zac and Sarah accompanied Tom to his therapy on Tuesday and it's so nice to have a man to lift the wheelchair in and out of the car.
It was so fun to have all three children home over Christmas.  Sarah, Zac, Matt and I enjoyed putting together a gingerbread house Christmas evening...Tom wasn't interested in helping.  Each of us took pleasure in our abilities to add our own special touch to our 1st annual Christmas Gingerbread House tradition!  Matt had to be back at MVNU on Monday evening for practice.  They had a basketball game last night against Akron Wayne and pulled out a victory.  The team needed that after several tough losses.  Tom and I pray that we can get up to Mt. Vernon for Friday's game vs. OSU Lima.
Gingerbread Masters
Finished Product
White Chicken Chili, Salad, Rolls & Cake!
A delicious dinner from Jim & Barb Kraynak...THANK YOU
A beautiful Christmas gift from
Steve & Jill Coon
A HUGE THANK YOU to David Stoll...
and all the WCHS Staff for this generous & oh so thoughtful gift!
Yesterday we had the privilege of having David Stoll, WCHS Media Director, along with three of the "office gals", Liz Bookheimer, Cindy Dunn and Cathy Smith here for a sweet visit.  Not only did we enjoy a short visit but they had Tom open such a meaningful gift...a digital picture frame.  Each of the high school staff recorded a message to Tom and David then added the photos of each of the staff onto the frame!!  What an overwhelming gesture by all...I was moved to tears and I know that Tom will greatly appreciate all the kind words.  I cannot express to the high school staff enough how much Tom misses each of you, the students and his job.  I never realized how much a man's profession meant to him until circumstances such as ours.  Our hearts are full because of WCHS staff and students.
Dale Dunn..."Roll Tide, Roll"
Last night we had the privilege of visiting with some friends from the "Original" Genesis Sunday School Class.  One of whom is a huge sports fan along with Tom, Dale Dunn.  Dale did not come empty handed...he prepared a special box with a special gift for Tom:  two rolls of toilet tissue snuggled up with a bottle of guessed it, Dale is a "big"(literally) Alabama Crimson Tide fan!  What a laugh we got and Dale wanted to make sure that Tom cheered for the "right" team in the BCS Championship Football game, LSU vs Alabama come January 9th, 2012 in Louisiana!
Rick, Tammy, Dale, Cindy, Murph, Brad
Lisa & Tom
Along with Dale was his wife, Cindy, Rick & Tammy Nuzum and Brad & Murph Fulton for the evening visit.  What fun we had to fellowship together and enjoy memories from Genesis years ago.
Tom & Julie Mitchell, home health RN
Tom and I are both so grateful and blessed to have Julie Mitchell "sign up and agree to" being Tom's "official" home health care nurse extraordinaire!  Not only does she bring with her 35 years of nursing experience BUT her fun, lively and bubbly personality that always brings us laughter!  God has provided for us once again.  Today was Tom's first PICC line dressing change and wow what a process it is.  The dog and I holed up in the bedroom while Julie and Tom masked up for the job to keep a sterile environment, as much as possible.  Julie informed me today that the extension tubing will also need to be changed daily with the IV poor, minute brain is struggling with all the things it has to learn...I truly feel like an "old dog".  I am so thankful to have her close by to help with the changes this brings.
Tom was back to therapy again today and each of the therapists said again what a perfect patient/student he is...did we think otherwise?  The hardest of the three therapies and the one Tom likes the least is speech.  The therapist reemphasised again today that we need to engage Tom in conversation by asking him "simple questions" and giving him time to reply with out trying to guess his answer, answer for him (I'm getting good at this) or moving on with the conversation.  So please any of you who are able to visit with Tom, be prepared to be patient and please if there is more than one visitor at a time, only one person/conversation in the room.  Tom will disengage when too many people talk at a time because he can't track the conversation.  We don't realize how much we do this until you make a conscience effort to avoid it!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas from our Family to Yours

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
Luke 2:10-12
Luke chapter two has always been one of Tom's favorite telling of Christ's birth because he memorized it as a child!  Each Christmas Tom has read this chapter...this year will be traditions starting where old traditions end.
Amid the Christmas decorations, Zac, Sarah and Matt home, music, special treats, and gifts under the tree it's hard to overlook the odd things in the room like...
Large box of medical supplies...
IV bags in the refrigerator...
A wheelchair...
Handicap Devices...
Each of these items are gifts...just not your typical gifts.
Without the medical supplies, Tom would still be in the hospital...
Without the IV, Tom would be trying to fight an infection on his own...
Without the wheelchair, Tom would be stuck in bed...
Without the handicap devices, Tom would have a much harder experience...
So with each "gift" you receive this year...whether it is one you wanted or not...we pray that you can find thanks in your heart for the greatest gift ever:  JESUS CHRIST!  He is the only real and lasting gift that any one of us ever need or want.  He is the only gift that truly satisfies mankind.  If you are not finding satisfaction in the trinkets under your tree, the family around your table or the future of your life...then just maybe you haven't received the ultimate gift: Jesus.  Please consider accepting the greatest gift ever given by asking Jesus to come rule and reign in your heart this Christmas!  To know that you received Jesus as your Ultimate Gift this year, would make all that we have been through and all that we have ahead of us, worth it!
Early Christmas Morning delivery from Rich & Elaine Hess!
Thank You

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve

Kevin, Ulrike & Abby Brennan
Last night Cheryl stayed until it was time to change Tom's IV thankful for her gentle teaching and patience with me.  What a relief to go through this very intimidating process with her near my side.  We have our first bag change behind us!  After she left for home, Sarah, Zac, Tom and I enjoyed dinner together.  Tom insisted that he pray for the was a touching moment as he searched for words, sputtered, waited then proceeded with the Lord's Prayer!  As we chuckled and cried he said, "I tried."  It was a moment we'll all never forget.
Today we attempted the first shower with Tom's PICC line...what an adventure! All I can say is he sure smells a lot better and feels better too!
You know Christmas is near when you receive a phone call stating there is a gift on your front porch for Tom.  Matt retrieved the bag and we all laughed and cried (well, okay...I'm the only one who cried) as Tom opened the Superman lunch box filled with memento's of precious memories Kevin and Tom have shared over the years.  Kevin Weakley, WCHS Athletic Director, delivered not only the lunch box filled with goods but a "Christmas Ode" written as only Kevin could...with rhyming memories.  PRICELESS
Blessings via Mailbox!  Thank you...
Thanks to the Target gift card (from God) Matt was able to do some Christmas shopping today!  Once Tom was down for his nap I worked in the kitchen preparing a breakfast casserole and homemade cinnamon rolls for our Christmas morning.  Zac and Sarah left this morning to spend the day in Ashland with Zac's extended family for their annual Gallaway Family Christmas.  Our hearts go out to them as they celebrate their first Christmas without Grandma Gallaway.
Authentic German Food at its finest!
Tonight our Christmas Eve dinner was made and delivered by the Brennan Family.  We are so blessed by their friendship and treasure our times together over the years.  They spoiled us tonight with appetizers, German finery and peppermint stick ice cream with chocolate sauce!  Ulrike even made cinnamon bread for our Christmas morning!
A gift from our niece, Hannah & family!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Home for the Holidays

Cheryl, RN attending Papa's knee!
While at the hospital, getting Tom ready to transition to home, we noticed blood on my dad's jeans.  My dad has had knee pain for some time and while here in Columbus he finally saw a doctor.  Yesterday he had his third of three injections of cortizone (or something) and the bandaid did not hold back the blood flow since he is on a blood thinner.  Way to go Papa for adding more excitement to our lives...Cheryl is working overtime with two patients and no earthly pay!
Gifts from the Betulius Family
Yesterday Tom was released from the hospital, however it took quite a bit of planning to get him home.  We arrived home as close as we could to 4:30 trying to meet the home health nurse here at the same time, however with the rain and rush hour traffic, the nurse did not arrive until about 6:00 just as our wonderful "Welcome Home" meal arrived.  It was "grand central station" and my heart and mind were heavy with so much to take in.  I can't say that we had a good experience with the home health nurse and after rushing him out the door at 7:30 we did enjoy the amazing dinner from the Betulius family.
I won't go into all the details of what I call a "bad experience" but I am thankful that Cheryl is here walking me through the proper steps of getting it all straightened out and reminding me the importance of Tom's health being my number one concern.  With Tom's PICC line we all need to be aware of the high risk of germs, bacteria and proper care management with an infection like Tom's.  Today Cheryl has spoken with CSI (infusion supply company) and they have agreed to allow Julie Mitchell (friend & RN at OSU) be Tom's home healthcare nurse!!  This is a huge praise and relief to our family.  Julie lives in our neighborhood which makes this inconvenience a little less complicated.  Cheryl has also met with the out-patient lab where Tom's blood draws need to be taken.  She also made copies of all the medical papers that this change required and neatly organized them in a folder for Julie...over and above with an amazing servant's heart.
Our hearts are full with the generosity of neighbors and friends who have continued to bless us with cards, gifts and COOKIES!  I have not had the time to do any christmas baking and everyone has 'stepped up to the plate' with tins, trays and bags of goodies.
Tom Chodzin Family...Thank You!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Out of SICU - Looking Toward Home

So long SICU...
Yesterday Tom moved from the SICU to the James Cancer Hospital.  We are so thankful that progress is being made so that Tom can be at 2076 for Christmas!  We are thankful too that his eye that was swollen shut is now opened.  A PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) line was inserted in Tom's left arm yesterday that will be in for 8 weeks.  This PICC line will allow Tom to be on a continuous IV antibiotic drip and also he will be able to get blood draws from this without being stuck each time.  I am a little overwhelmed with the responsibility of learning, caring and keeping and eye on this, but with God's help I know I can do it.  I also have been relying heavily on my sister-in-love, Cheryl, who is so knowledgeable in these things.  She was able to have a "private" learning session with the PICC team last week at Akron General where she works, because she was certain Tom would come home with one!  She knows all the right questions to ask and keeps the staff here on their toes!
View from Tom's New Room...beautiful architecture!
A cute story...when Cheryl and I arrived at the hospital this morning, Tom was still asleep so we told the nurse we would be in the ever-so-tiny waiting room and asked her to come get us when he woke up.  She came and got us and when we got into his room he was sitting up eating his breakfast.  I told him we arrived at 8:30 but he was asleep so we went to the waiting room.  Tom said, "I called you".  Now you have to understand that his communication is still very limited and I'm trying to understand, did you call out with your voice? did you use the phone? and he picked up the remote that calls the nurse and asked for Lisa!!  So sweet.
View from the "ever-so-small" waiting room!
We are also thankful that the cultures have not shown any other more serious infection.  Tom has a gram positive bacteria that is a staph infection and is covered with the one antibiotic:  Nafcillin,  according to  Wikipedia, "Nafcillin sodium is a narrow-spectrum beta-lactam antibiotic of the penicillin class. As a beta-lactamase-resistant penicillin, it is used to treat infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria, in particular, species of staphylococci that are resistant to other penicillins."
Timing is the key with going home today.  Our case manager has to order the antibiotic, coordinate the Home Health nurse and time it all with when we will all arrive at the same time!  Logistics...
Our seminary student son-in-love, Zac...
We pray that we do not offend and of our Jewish friends who may be reading our blog...but we are all amazed at the frequent sightings of the menorah here at the hospital.  I haven't seen any sightings of a cross or manger scene, yet...imagine that!  Happy Hanukkah!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Surgery Behind, Healing Ahead

Surgery lasted much longer than I had thought...Tom went into surgery at 10 a.m. and was out by 3 p.m.  My sister-in-love kept telling me that it is better if it takes longer and they are thorough in cleaning and eradicating all the infection, I hung onto that during the long hours of waiting.  When we met with Dr. Elder after the surgery I felt that we had much to praise the Lord about.  The infection was in the area of the tumor bed where the Gliadel wafers were placed and he was able to remove the wafer cases, the bone flap was not infected (he removed the bone flap & ran it through the autoclave!), he was able to put the bone flap back in place, the incision closed up nicely and he didn't see any tumor regrowth!  Much to praise the Lord for.  They took several biopsies/cultures of different areas that we'll need to wait 48+ hours for the results before we'll know the full extent of what Tom's dealing with.  Tom is on three "heavy duty" broad spectrum IV antibiotics to cover whatever infections he's dealing with.  Once the biopsies/cultures come back, they will be more specific in his antibiotics.  Sarah and I were able to see Tom shortly after he was settled in SICU (Surgical Intensive Care Unit).  The visiting hours are very different here and very strictly enforced with only two visitors at a time.  We are very pleased with the care and attention Tom is getting. 
Cheryl, Granny, Papa & Kelly
Not only are we thankful for the physical support of family here, but we are thankful for our family of prayer support.  I am so appreciative of my family hanging tight with me through this long battle here at the hospital making the time sweeter, the food tastier and the fellowship more pleasant.  Tom and I both realize that his family would be here in a heartbeat if they could and know that they are fighting the real battle on their knees in prayer for not only Tom, but myself as well and we count it an amazing privilege to be interceded for.  We love you all so much.  Last night before we all left the hospital, my niece, Aubrey, took the spiritual lead in having a time of prayer!  What a precious privilege to know our families know Who Tom's Great Physician is.
Tim, Lauren, Aubrey & Sarah
Family Support at OSU Medical Center

Not only do we have the prayer support of our immediate families but our church families too.  We are blessed by our church's care team and especially Pastor Tim Waggoner who has been so faithful to care, pray and visit us through this journey.
Pastor Tim Waggoner
Last night after arriving home from a long day we were greeted with a host of Christmas cards, letters, pictures and another package!  A unique gift of breakfast treats.
English Muffins, Crumpets & Jam
Thank You, Spayde Family!

This morning when we arrived to see Tom, I was so sad to see his left eye swollen shut from the trauma of such a surgery yesterday.  He was sitting up in bed and eating some real food which was a pleasant sight.  He is scheduled for a step-down room in the James Cancer Hospital, however the beds are full now, so Tom may stay here in SICU longer than the estimated 24 hour period even though he is cleared to go.  They assure me he will receive the best of care here and not to worry that he hasn't left this floor.  Our prayer is that he will be at his earthly home for Christmas.
Amanda, Julie & Tyler Mitchell 
This morning we had the privilege of visiting with two very special RN's:  Julie & Amanda Mitchell.  Not only are they OSU RN's, they are sister's in the Lord, fellow Grace worshipers, neighbors and a mother/daughter team!  What a joy to have them stop in, share hugs and let the staff know what a special patient Tom is.
The team of doctor's just rounded and we were updated on Tom's condition.  Tom has already had gram positive cultures back and the antibiotics he's receiving are covering that.  We still have to wait the allotted 48+ hours for all the cultures to grow...praying that nothing more serious would show up.  Our biggest battle is the infection.  We trust and wait on God to work His hand along with the antibiotics.
"The LORD will sustain him upon his sickbed; In his illness, You restore him to health."
Psalm 41:3

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Giving Thanks with Surgery Looming

WCHS Office Staff Christmas Party (minus Tom)
Lisa, Nancy, Cathy, Liz, Cindy, Holly, Stephanie & Dave
We are so thankful to this group of special people who have "carried on" in Tom's absence at the high school.  We are disappointed that we couldn't join them on this fun night of Christmas socializing.  They are precious prayer warriors who love their "tall boss" and we are so thankful to call them "friends".  Tom loves and misses y'all more than you know.

Amazing Homemade Cherry Pie
from Byrdie Lorenz
Tom has been blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful coworkers over the years.  There is a group of "retired" WCS teachers who have a ladies bible study together:  Byrdie Lorenz, Pam Woods, Susan Torlone and Julie Katzeman...we are so thankful to have them interceding on our behalf.  This past Friday Byrdie delivered her pie along with love from this precious group of ladies.  Over the years Tom and I have grown to love the pies Byrdie has so generously made for us, she is a gifted pie baker.
Scripture Circle Art
with love from the WCS Development Team
This beautiful framed art is going to be just perfect in our new bedroom...the colors are perfect!  It is beautiful because it is God's Word and because of the love behind it.  Thank you Hope and Julie...thank you too for the Warrior blanket, we are blessed by you.
A note about the artist.
Wonderful gift from the Seling Family!
Thank You
Connie, Allison, Tom & Mark
We had the pleasure of visiting shortly with my cousin, Connie and her family on Saturday when they came to Columbus to pick up their daughter, Allison at the Columbus Airport.  They came bearing gifts from their whole family in Mansfield.  Allison is a sophomore at Baptist College of Health Sciences in Memphis, Tennessee studying radiology.  It was so good to see them and know they are also interceding for us at the throne of grace.  Thank you to the Neutzling, Cates and Mack families for your love for us.
Tonight we go to bed early in preparation of an early morning and a long day ahead.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking Tom's needs, the surgeon's wisdom and all the staff at OSU Medical Center who will be caring for Tom before our Lord in prayer.
"Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people."
Matthew 9:35
We are so thankful to have Sarah here in town with us and we look forward to Zac and Matthew joining us on Tuesday.  It is "official" now that we are free to share that Zac and Sarah are moving in with Tom and I as of Tuesday.  We are so blessed to have them want to be here to help and support us.

Happy 1st Anniversary!

"Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord.  For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body."
Ephesians 5:21-23
We are so thankful to celebrate and honor our niece and her husband on their first anniversary!  It's hard to believe a year ago we celebrated their marriage.  We are so thankful they have chosen to walk with God and invite Him to be the Center of their relationship.  It's nice to have them here in Columbus and available to help and support us through this battle.  They were able to get away for an anniversary trip to Florida and we're so happy for them.

Friday, December 16, 2011

WOW do I begin other than I am clinging to Psalm 119:105 trusting that His word has been a light upon our path and I can NOT second guess His leading.  Last March we contacted OSU to get a second opinion on Tom's situation and we could not get in at that time.  We felt such a peace regarding Tom's care at Riverside and proceeded with treatment and care there.  After our last oncology appointment my sister-in-love and I both were very disheartened with Tom's oncologists lackadaisical attitude toward a more defensive stand on treatment.  Cheryl took on the task again of recontacting OSU and scheduled an appointment with the neuro-oncologist.  This past Wednesday we met with Dr. Cavaliere and we were impressed with his aggressive, offensive approach to Tom's treatment.  He sent Tom right away to get an MRI to get a clearer picture of what is going on in Tom's brain.  Dr. Cavaliere called us Wednesday evening after looking at the MRI!  I'm impressed already with this man.  The news he shared was not what we wanted to hear, but completely understandable.  The infection that we were told was "superficial" is actually not.  The infection is deeper and will require more surgery.  He said they would take Tom's case before the neuro-tumor board on Thursday morning and get back to us.  He called Thursday saying the team agreed that Tom needs more surgery and definitely the infection has penetrated the brain and possibly the bone flap too.  He said the neuro-surgeon would call to schedule an appointment to see Tom on Friday.  Sure enough when we arrived home from rehab they called and said can you come "right now"?  It was a flurry to get out the door and back down to the construction chaos at OSU Medical Center!  We met with Dr. J. Bradley Elder who will be doing Tom's surgery on Monday, December 19th at 9:30 a.m. with arrival at 7:30 a.m.
J. Bradley Elder, M.D.
My first thought when he walked in the room was, "how old are you?"!  With his surgical cap on he looked about 20...I must be getting old!  Anyway, he will remove the bone flap, once again, and instead of storing it in Tom's tummy like last time it will go in a freezer, hopefully well labeled!  The tummy opens up more opportunity for infection...imagine that.  He also will be inserting a pressure tube to monitor Tom's spinal fluid pressure to make sure that the drainage Tom has been having isn't spinal fluid.  He is also calling in a plastic surgeon who will close up the incision to make sure there are no gaps and proper closure to insure for no room for outside infection to enter.  This is not at all how we planned our week before Christmas, but we do know that the One Who came that first Christmas knew all along how we would depend on Him more than ever this Christmas!  Tom doesn't seem anxious at all...he is ready to get this healed up once and for all.  Tom's wife on the other hand seems very tender and maybe just a little overwhelmed.
The largest poinsettia I've ever seen!
Another anonymous gift...
This week has been one surprise after the brain is frozen and I'm not going to remember all the gifts and treats that have come...but know that we are overwhelmed by the generosity of our friends!
WCHS Garden Club Gift

"Have mercy on me, O LORD, for I am weak;
O LORD, heal me, for my bones are troubled."
Psalm 6:2

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Happy Birthday, Erin!

Well...our niece Erin seems to always get "looked over" with her birthday falling just 10 days before Christmas.  Our families are always together for Thanksgiving...which I must admit I'm not thinking of December birthdays yet...and by the time we all gather together again for our traditional New Year's Eve/Kline Christmas celebration...her special day has passed.  Thanks to this blog I hope to be right on time in remembering such a sweet and special young lady!  Erin is my brother's second daughter/child who is extremely blessed with intelligence...we all agree she gets that from her mom!  Erin is a junior nursing major at Kent State University where her parents also went, met and graduated from.  She is very involved in the Navigators Campus Ministry and has met a godly young man, Andrew, who our family is getting to know with great approval!
We are so thankful for all the nurses in our family...sweet women who serve others unconditionally.  We know Erin will make a great nurse, just like her mom!
"When you walk, your steps will not be impeded;
And if you run, you will not stumble. 
Take hold of instruction; do not let go.
Guard her, for she is your life."
Proverbs 4:12-13
We love you, Erin, and trust your day if filled with beautiful blessings!

Yesterday took some interesting twists and turns.  My sister-in-love, Cheryl, came down from Akron to go to the OSU "second opinion" doctor appointment.  We didn't realize how crazy with construction the OSU Medical Center was!  After several loops and turns we found our way and had a sweet girl escort us to Tom's appointment.  I found it interesting they gave us a square, vibrating, light up gadget...the kind you get in a restaurant while you wait...and when it lights up and vibrates, it's your turn!  We teased Tom asking him if he knew what he wanted to "order"!  When we were being taken back to the exam room we told the nurse that we wanted non-smoking, table for three!  We were very impressed with the knowledge they had of Tom's case.  There is quite the "team" approach there and we felt very welcomed and very concerned for.  Now understand Tom's appointment was at 10:00 the time the doctor finally came in it was near noon!  Our tummy's were rumbling.  The doctor wanted to get another MRI as soon as possible on Tom to make the best decisions regarding where we go from here.  Tom's last MRI was in October and while he was in the hospital last week he just had a CT scan.  So they scrambled to get us in for an MRI as soon as possible and the quickest and first available was at 1:15 in their out-patient facility in Gahanna!  With no time for lunch, we loaded Tom back into the car and headed to Gahanna.  We were out by 2:00 and headed straight to Chipotle for a late lunch and with a very tired man.  Later that evening I received a phone call from the doctor at OSU who said he just saw Tom's MRI and he had some news that I'm not sharing at this time, but will give more details as I get clearer information from him either today or tomorrow.  The team of doctors (neuro-oncologist, radiologist, neuro-surgeon, etc.) will discuss Tom's case today and come up with a plan to disclose to us.  We wait in prayer for wisdom and peace.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Life in Motion

Homemade Carmel corn from Donna Fasnaught & Cheryl Kaufman!
This time of year is normally busy...add a few doctor appointments, rehab therapy three times a week and life is in full swing.  I'm thankful for all the hands of help who have gathered around us.  God has not, does not and will not let us down with His provisions for us.  We are blessed each day with a mailbox full of well wishes and Christmas greetings too!  We have received packages of love and meals in abundance.  We are blessed and God is so good.
 We received a special invitation to Vista Community Church's Christmas program.  This past Sunday evening we were blessed and moved by the Spirit through the well thought out program that focused on turning our lives 180 degrees toward Christ...emphasizing that "through the trials of life, God's love will lead you on."  After the program they had each person reach under their seat to retrieve a magnet to take home with a verse on it.
Tom's verse:
"When I am afraid, I will trust in You."
Psalm 56:3
My verse:
"May the God of hope fill you will all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Romans 15:13
God's Word, once again bringing us His peace.
Sunday before we left for the program the Nishizaki family once again brought us another delicious, last minute, dinner!  Scott is known for his clam chowder and now knows we love it too!  Thanks Nish's!
 Today at therapy they said Tom qualifies for 40 therapy sessions a year and in order to maximize Tom's therapy they are "amping" up his rehab to three times a week!  So now add Friday to the therapy schedule.  Today when we got home from therapy there was a large "Cheryl's Cookies" box at the front door!  An OSU Cookie Jar with Buckeye cut-outs and chocolate chip cookies from the Tinnel Family & Janice Barricklow!  Thank you dear friends, not only for your friendship and love, but for your unceasing prayers on our one knows better than you what we are going through.
Tom & dear friend...Dr. Buzz
Tonight we were treated to a seafood feast...I'm not allowed to say who treated us to this special night of feasting, entertainment and blessing...but if you're smart you can figure it out!
Lisa's first taste of lobster!
The presentation was beautiful.  We are in awe of such love.  What an amazing memory that was made tonight feasting on such delicacies.  Each course brought another "wow" factor.  Thank you!
Dr. Robert Cavaliere, M.D.
Tomorrow we are headed to OSU Medical Center for a second opinion.  We are meeting with Dr. Robert Cavaliere a neuro-oncologist.  Please pray that God would give the doctor along with us clear information that will help us in making wise decisions regarding the best care for Tom.