Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas from our Family to Yours

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
Luke 2:10-12
Luke chapter two has always been one of Tom's favorite telling of Christ's birth because he memorized it as a child!  Each Christmas Tom has read this chapter...this year will be traditions starting where old traditions end.
Amid the Christmas decorations, Zac, Sarah and Matt home, music, special treats, and gifts under the tree it's hard to overlook the odd things in the room like...
Large box of medical supplies...
IV bags in the refrigerator...
A wheelchair...
Handicap Devices...
Each of these items are gifts...just not your typical gifts.
Without the medical supplies, Tom would still be in the hospital...
Without the IV, Tom would be trying to fight an infection on his own...
Without the wheelchair, Tom would be stuck in bed...
Without the handicap devices, Tom would have a much harder experience...
So with each "gift" you receive this year...whether it is one you wanted or not...we pray that you can find thanks in your heart for the greatest gift ever:  JESUS CHRIST!  He is the only real and lasting gift that any one of us ever need or want.  He is the only gift that truly satisfies mankind.  If you are not finding satisfaction in the trinkets under your tree, the family around your table or the future of your life...then just maybe you haven't received the ultimate gift: Jesus.  Please consider accepting the greatest gift ever given by asking Jesus to come rule and reign in your heart this Christmas!  To know that you received Jesus as your Ultimate Gift this year, would make all that we have been through and all that we have ahead of us, worth it!
Early Christmas Morning delivery from Rich & Elaine Hess!
Thank You


Jun Lan said...

It happens that the same verses Luke 2:10-12 were used in today's sermon in our church. Jesus is our 3D network. He is our God, Gift, and Gold. Yes, he is THE gift everyone only needs.

Tom and Lisa, it is you who planted the "tiny seeds" in my heart back in 97' when I first came to the States. Thanks for introducing me to this precious, ultimate gift.

Merry Christmas!
-Jun, Tong, Austin

Debbie Richardson said...

I'm in Orlando at my mom's & she asks me "how's your Bryan bud Tommy today?".. since I'm on my laptop, I said "well his wife was hoping that with the PICC line inserted, to take him home for Christmas, so let's check it out".. imagine the smile on our faces to see your Beautiful smiling faces on your family Christmas card.. Merry Christmas to all of you... We do indeed serve a Glorious Savior this Christmas! We are praying for your continued Recovery, Tom, and for all of your infection-free needs and God continues to heal you; and for strength for your care givers and for you, Lisa, and for all your family... I am in Orlando for a couple days... If Tom's parents are in the area & if there's anything I can do, please email me @, and I will be happy to do whatever I can... God Bless you all ..

Debbie Richardson
Bryan College Basketball '83
Hollywood, FL

Lisa Anglea-Lange said...

Jun, Tong & Austin!
So good to hear from you and to know that Jesus is your Savior! You will never know how happy that makes us. I have to know how you found our blog? Praying that God continues to grow His love in your hearts.
Our love,
Tom & Lisa

Jun Lan said...

First, a typo in the early comment, 3D network should be 3G network (God, Gift, Gold), which I learned from Sunday's sermon.

Tom and Lisa, to be honestly, I am so used to receive a family picture Christmas card from you every year in the past 11 years. This year I didn't hear from you. So I tried to send a email but the email was bounced back. Then as probably you guessed, I Googled your names and found this blog and some posts on Grace Polaris. At first my heart sunk, I couldn't believe what happened. Then I see the beautiful smiles on your faces as usual in every pictures in the post, I see faith through these smiles. I think that is what we believe in.

Can you update your email to my account

Jun, Tong, Austin