Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Birthday to our Dear, Sweet Sarah!

It's hard for us to believe that God blessed us with our baby girl just 23 years ago today!  Truly one of the greatest moments of our lives...we are blessed.
even though we are far apart today...know that you are not far in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.  We anxiously await our visit this weekend. We look forward to celebrating your birthday and your college graduation (not to mention a new job and 1st anniversary, too)!  We have so much to rejoice with you about.  We mostly rejoice that you are our daughter.  We are honored to to be your parents.  You have made us so proud and Jesus too.  You are an absolute joy to our lives and we are so thankful for who God provided as your life-mate, Zac.  We know that wherever God sends you, whatever path God takes you and whoever God places in your lives you, as husband and wife, will honor God.  We don't believe there is anything more that parents could ask for than that their children walk intimately with their Savior...and that's what you're doing!
With ALL our love,
Dad & Mom

1 comment:

Barb said...

Lisa, I think that wedding photo of Tom and Sarah is the most beautiful wedding picture I have ever seen. That smile of hers just radiates her inner beauty! It belongs in a bridal magazine. Your daughter is a beautiful young woman...inside and out!

Praying for you!