Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Worship

What a praise to be able to sit with Tom, Matt and our church body this morning and worship our Lord together!  It was such a blessing to have the WCHS Choir sing in was very emotional for both Tom & I to see each choir member come in and fill the stage, they are amazing!  I am so thankful for that gift and then to top it off, Pastor Jim used Tom as an illustration in his sermon from Philippians 2.  Like Epaphroditus, v. 28 " may rejoice when you see him again..." the congregation rejoiced when they saw Tom!  Thank you for surrounding us with your love.
We stopped on our way home from church to wash our very dirty car.  Once home we ate some lunch and then Tom crashed!  While he slept I vacuumed out the car and washed the car windows of winter grime...what a good feeling.  I then swept out the garage knowing this would make my husband quite happy.
We were glad to get word that Zac & Sarah made it back safely to Grace College early this morning in time for the Leesburg GBC service.  And then just as glad to hear that Matt made it back safely to MVNU's campus after saying good-bye to us in the church parking lot.  What a treat to have the kids home for the weekend.


Unknown said...

Was great to see the big guy today!

Cathy said...

Loved seeing Tom stand up in church yesterday morning. Could you hear my "woo-hoo" from across the room?

Hugs to you both, Cathy

Barb said...

Rejoicing is putting it mildly...more like wanting to do jumping jacks in the pew. Wonderful to see you all sitting together yesterday. A blessing beyond words.

Praying for Tom's MRI today.

Love to both of you, Barb

Unknown said...

I'm so thankful for the wonderful family time you all enjoyed together over the weekend. I didn't realize that you play Hand and Foot. Dan and I can take you on anytime you need some recreation :-)

It truly was wonderful to see you all at church yesterday. Understanding personally the challenge of missing so many services, I understand the joy you shared in being together with the body of Christ. and then, to be part of the message! Pretty cool! I'm sure the choir kids were thrilled to see Tom sitting back there. We look forward to hearing today's update. The prayers are constant on your behalf. Love you both!!

We live so close. Always feel free to call if you need anything!
