Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

1 Down, 29 to Go!

"Blessed be the God & Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies & the God of all comfort.  He comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves receive from God.  For as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so our comfort overflows through Christ.  If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort & salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which is experienced in the endurance of the same sufferings that we suffer.  And our hope for you is firm, because we know that as you share in the sufferings, so you will share in the comfort."
II Corinthians 1:3-7
This was one of the passages from devotions this morning.  The whole chapter is worth your time to read and reflect upon.  Tom and I both have felt the comfort of God.  We are amazed at the way God uses His Word, His people and His Spirit to bring us comfort during this trial.  Thank you for lifting us up to the throne of grace that we may be the recipients of His comfort.  This picture reminds us of how God uses time to bring comfort too.  We look forward to how we can make the most of this time of trial that God has allowed for us to experience. 
Yesterday and today Tom was able to go into WCHS to work for a couple of hours!  This is a huge praise and still a huge prayer request.  It is a delicate balance of pushing him and yet knowing when to stop.  He feels at times incapable to remember all the tasks he once did and yet he is quite able to perform many of the duties.  One of his biggest challenges is reading.  Much of his job requires a lot of reading!  I believe the time spent at the high school will give him back the confidence he once had in doing his job to God's glory.  One of the other challenges he has is remembering every one's name.  He has always been so good at knowing every one's name and takes pride in that.  He spends his summers studying the 8th graders pictures and names so that when they come to high school he can look at them and call them by name!  Please know that when Tom sees you that if he doesn't come up with your name, it's not because he doesn't know or recognize you, it's just that the retrieval system in his brain has to take a different route!
Today was uneventful in that the radiation came and went just as they said it would.  Tom was in and out in less than 15 minutes.  We pray that as the treatments accumulate that they would not cause any more interference to his brain functions, that he would be able to maintain his current activities and fatigue would remain at a minimum.

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