Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Days of Healing

I haven't "posted" in a couple of days so thought I'd fill you in.
At the top of our "to do" list is rest and rejuvination!  We are so thankful for this time to process what God has set before us with devotions, scripture reading and prayer.  We are so thankful for the overflow of cards of encouragement and gifts of love that are sent our way, we are so blessed.
We have had several visitors:  much of the "Kline Clan", niece Brittany from MI, Jim & Terri Parrish, Kevin, Katherine & Megan Weakley, Kent Homoelle, Leigh Wigton, Elden & Jennifer Deskins on a walk through the neighborhood, Tom's WCHS secretaries, Cathy Smith & Liz Bookheimer, WCHS assistant principal/friend, Dave Muschott, WCHS Bible teacher/friend & Dominican leader, Tom Burns, and today my dad, brother & brother-in-law came by to fix three things while I ran errands:  an electrical outlet, clogged sink & toilet.  Tom was to nap while they made repairs...when I got home I found the four of them around the kitchen table playing cards!  They did get one of the three jobs crossed off the list...I will need master repairman, Elden Deskins to finish the job!!  I think the card game was therapy for all four men.  Tom napped when they left!  Tom so enjoys the visits and hearing all about what is happening "out in the world".
We are looking forward to having Zac & Sarah back in town this weekend for a visit!  Then next weekend (April 14-18) Tom's parents from Orlando will fly in for a much needed visit. 
Tom has a long (4-5 hrs.) doctor appointment on Friday (4/8) afternoon.  This is his normal naptime so pray for endurance.  We ask you to pray too for God to ordain the steps and wisdom in seeking a second opinion.  We are on track for this but I am not sure how the timing will work out.
We are adjusting to being on a "rigid" medication schedule along with a big adjustment in our eating habits.  I have enjoyed surfing the net to find healthy recipes then implementing them onto our table.  We so appreciate the love, prayers and concern of each of you.
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways, says the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:8-9


Unknown said...

Thanks for keeping us updated so we can pray specifically! Glad you are adjusting and getting some home time to rest and spend time together....Does Tom miss his helmet? ;) Love -
Anne Marie

claudia said...

lisa, we so appreciate the personal updates you send. it's such an encouragement and blessing to hear of tom's progress and the many ways god's hand is touching you. we daily lift you in prayer. we love you! bill and claudia

Barb said...

Lisa, thank you so much for giving us a way to stay updated and to be able to pray specifically. Jim and I have been praying daily. What a blessing to witness God at work in your lives. Please say hi to Tom for us. Much love to your whole family...Jim and Barb