Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Three on Three

Tom was a "numbers guy" and I know the three on three would catch his attention!  Today marks his third month in his eternal home and I'm SO jealous!  Today marks my third treatment and he's NOT jealous!  I am thankful to be on the "home stretch" and seeing an end to this craziness.  I tried to share with a friend that in some way I believe God has allowed me this "season" to get me through the grief process.  I know it may sound strange...but with my busy medical schedule, feeling badly most days and on the good days making up for the bad days with a busy schedule...I am thinking it makes the grieving process different than in most situations.  Please don't take me's still tough, and maybe in some ways tougher because I can't separate my sadness/grief...but still the same I am trusting God that He is in control and using each and every circumstance to draw me closer to Him...and if breast cancer does that than how can I ask Him why?
"Not that I speak from want,
for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am."
Philippians 4:11
Key word "learned"...Paul 'learned', I am 'learning'!  God uses interesting processes to teach us.  I continue to learn and be taught...well I'm trying!
Since "Three" is the number today...and "Three" leads to "Four", that leads me to share this:
3 Habits: 4 Minutes: One Love
How to Fall in Love Again in Four Minutes A Day… with just 3 Habits:
It only takes four minutes a day to move into a deeper heart place. Four minutes a day to connect, deepen the communion. Live koinonia.
Who doesn’t want a deeper relationship?
1. Four Focuses
Four times a day focus on the love you vowed. When I leave the marriage bed, leave the front door, when I return to front door, return to marriage bed. These are the four critical archways of time in our day. Touch or whisper a sweet nothing when passing through these gate points, and we walk into hours of closeness. It’s the focus that makes old love fresh love.
2. Four Embraces
Four times a day, embrace. Embrace fully and hold each other’s eyes. That’s all. Repeat four times daily. The one flesh breathes best when the skin pores are close; connected.
3. Four Affirmations
Four times during the day, thank him.
For working faithfully, for hanging up his towel, for putting gas in the van, for making this heart skip a wild beat. Look for the ways to thank him and watch how he moves closer.
I can't tell you how much I wish Tom was here so I could "practice" this great advice.  Tom and I were such advocates for marriage.  Our hearts broke over every broken marriage, wounded marriage and marriages that just tolerated each other.  One of our greatest joys was helping dear friends co-teach/lead an engagement couples class at our church.  It was fun to hear of Zac and Sarah's passion for marriage last night at dinner and their heart to lead and love couples to marriages that honor Christ!  Tom would be so proud...
I am thankful for a great week:
Sunday:  Worship with family & dinner at my sister's!  Thanks, you!
Monday:  Parent's safety back to Florida!  Surprising Carylee with 50 Birthday roses!
Tuesday:  Special day with a special birthday friend - Carylee!  Thanks, Carylee for a fun day!  Going to Matt's home basketball game & seeing Matt wearing pink breast cancer awareness Nike socks!
Wednesday:  Having the opportunity to take dinner to special friends:  Dusty & Kristin Minthorn!
Thursday:  Medical treatments & opportunity to bring God's light to people I would not otherwise meet!
Friday, Saturday & Sunday:  Meals being brought from special friends!
This week I received a special gift from a special friend: 

Thank You Wendy Rabel Smith!
I love the scripture encouragement cards of God's are SO sweet.
(Wendy & I went to high school together during our unsaved days, she is also my cousin's cousin!
We went on with life, got saved and reconnected through Facebook this past year!
How awesome it was to hear of her salvation and know we are sisters in Christ!
She and her family live in Iowa. Our "bucket-list" is to get together before heaven!)
Recently a dear friend shared with me that her cousin's daughter was recently (Oct.) diagnosed with GBM.  Their family has started a blog "Observers of God's Grace".  This dear family lives in North Carolina and they love Jesus.  If you want to be blessed by another blog that honors the Lord and pray for this beautiful family (pic above) of seven check it out as you lift them too in prayer:
While reading this blog I learned something that will be helpful for YOU!  I realized I had a setting on this blog that blocked comments from people who didn't have a google account.  Well, I've changed that and anyone who wants to leave a comment can now do that without having to "sign in".  Please know that I love reading your comments and keeping in touch with you.  I read all the comments and look forward to hearing from more of you who have prayed for our family on this journey.


Anonymous said...

Lisa, I pray for you often and am soB.ESSED by your blog..
Dee McCollum

Anonymous said...

Opps! BLESSED......

Erin Camerlengo said...

Derek and I were so blessed to be in one of your engaged couples classes! We loved getting to know you and Tom better as a couple and learned many treasures and tidbits we still carry with us today. It really does "take more than love." We're thankful to be a part of yours and Tom's legacy as a couple!

We pray for you daily and I so enjoy keeping up with your blog. Thank you for sharing your journey with us all!

Cheryl said...

Thank you for sharing the list of helpful ways we can show love to our spouses! So much we take for granted. Brings tears to my eyes knowing that Tom would be such an example of how to do that "list" well! It was so obvious that he loved you dearly.
Praying that you recover well from round three of chemo, and praying that round four will be your last as anticipated. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I'm one who was never able to leave a comment, but want you to know that your blog has touched and encouraged me so many times over the past several months, and I ALWAYS pray for you whenever I read it. (And even though I'm a former English teacher, I NEVER think about grammar, so don't worry about that!)

Praying in Peru,
Rachel Yanac

Peggie Bell said...

Lisa, I'm so glad to be able to leave a comment again, as I lost my password for Google and can't read the letters in their box, to get back in! I pray for you daily as you go through your treatments and through the grieving process. I have learned through my own experiences that the first year is the hardest, but that God is there to carry you through. Your words are such an encouragement to me, and to others, I'm sure. God continues to use you mightily. You will never know, this side of Glory, how many hearts and lives you've touched.

Anonymous said...

Oh Lisa, Thank you for doing this I often have tried and could not figure out how to leave a comment..You are so amazing. Thank you for the reminders of faithfullness to God in extremely difficult times and upping the bar in my own marriage. Love you Sister, Wendy Landis

Unknown said...

Lisa - Thank you for sharing your experience and linking us together - as we will be in heaven - without having to have a password or google account :)

Ray Mulligan, husband of Jenny Mulligan.