Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Friday, March 23, 2012

March Madness & Spring Sunshine

We are blessed by a God who personally cares for us in every detail of life.  His timing is perfectly amazing...we stand in awe of His love for us.
“I have loved you with an everlasting love;
Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness."
Jeremiah 31:3
Each year at this time our family fills out NCAA basketball tournament brackets and the competition begins.  There has been an abundance of upsets this year and therefore many "ohs" and "ahs" heard here at the house as we cheer on our "picks".  It was a big "ah" late last night as OSU defeated Cincinnati 81-66 (sorry Terry, Bearcat alum & loyal fan).  Tom enjoys the games and the family competition.
Last Friday night we enjoyed having Terry & Kelly over for Skipbo, basketball for the guys and beading for us girls.  What fun we have together.  Tom and I would be lost without their care.  Terry was able to help me complete Matt's FAFSA forms which was a huge burden off my back (another one of Tom's faithful jobs I now have responsibility for)...thanks, Terry!
Grilled Chicken, Baked Potatoes, Green Salad & Green Jello "Fluff"
Saturday we were treated to a St. Patrick's Day meal from Holly Varian.  She not only brought a "green" meal, but laced her dishes with green ribbons and cards from each of her precious family members.  Thanks Holly for an amazing dinner!
After enjoying our meal Saturday we received a call from Mike & Cheryl saying they were in town and could they stop by!  Of course...they had come to Columbus for a wedding and were able to come by for a game of Skipbo then get back on the road home.  What a treat to have them for a quick visit.
Tornado Of Love Heart
Last Sunday evening a quick storm and tornado warning came into Columbus and from the news report, where we live was right in the path of this fast moving storm.  We could hear the tornado sirens going off and a worried look came on Tom's face.  As Sarah and I contemplated his quick mood change we realized he had understanding that he wasn't the family "protector" any more.  Before his diagnosis, Tom would take his leadership abilities and have all of us shooed to the basement with many protests from his wife who would usually say "oh it's going to pass by".  He always took the extra measure of security, especially when it involved his family.  I knew he was concerned and he didn't mention the basement knowing he couldn't go down and didn't want to be left alone if we went down!  We are grateful that we have an Ultimate Protector who saw us through the storm.
Monday brought blue skies, unseasonably warm weather and two handymen...Travis (Gossing Construction) and Elden Deskins our personal go-to guy!  Travis was able to put in a ramp on the back patio so I can wheel Tom in and out during this amazing weather.  This week Matt has been home on his Spring Break and he was able to stain the ramp.  We are so thankful for Travis, Elden and Matt for the gifts, abilities and servant hearts they share with us.
Finished Work
Tuesdays Italian Feast
Thank You Lisa Raikes (& Steve for delivery!)
Matt Fertilizing
Matt came home for his Spring Break to find a looong "to do" list.  We are so thankful for his abilities (learned from an awesome dad) and the cooperative weather that allows all the outdoor work to get done.  His list included:  mowing, edging, weed-eating, tree/bush trimming, fertilizing, staining, and getting the patio furniture out.  His hard work ethic has kept him "on task" and able to finish these tasks with time to golf too!
Forsythia in Full Bloom
Praying the "old wives tale" of another snow after the forsythia blooms does not happen!
Our neighbors had two huge trees taken down from their back yard and once again we saw Tom's mood change from sunny to gray.  Many of you may know that one of Tom's favorite past-times was to cut wood with his prized possession...a Stihl chainsaw...a gift from my parents to Tom after my last chemo treatment in the fall of 1994.  As Tom sat on the patio watching the three men work it was another realization of something he loved to do and now couldn't.  My heart ached as I watched him.
Signs of Spring...daffodils
"For behold, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone.
‘The flowers have already appeared in the land;
The time has arrived for pruning the vines,
And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land."
Song of Solomon 2:11-12
With this incredible weather we have been able to get out and "walk-n-roll"...I walk, Tom rolls!  What an encouragement for both of us to move from the confines of our "cabin" to the beautiful outdoors.
Chicken Pasta & Great Harvest Bread
Thank you, Becky Dissinger
Please pray for us on Monday as Tom has an MRI at 11:00 and then meets with the oncologist at 1:00.  We ask you to join us in praying that there will be no complications and that the results are clear, clean and concise.

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