Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Thursday, July 14, 2011

God is Good, ALL the Time!

Thank you for praying!  Tom has had no more vomiting for which we are so thankful for.  He also has gone into work everyday this week.  Today will be a long day with several student and staff interviews.  I believe he is gaining more confidence with each day and has realized that the chemotherapy can't keep him down!
Tuesday evening after Tom rested and before dinner we decided to take a bike ride around Sharon Woods Park.  For those of you who are bike helmet'd be proud, we both had our helmets on!!  After a good 5+ mile ride we returned home...locked out.  While we were loading up in the garage before leaving for our bike ride our dog was going nuts because she thought she was going to get to go.  We believe she jumped up against the door and locked it!  Anyway, our brother-in-law, Terry, came to our rescue with several house keys!  Thankfully one of them worked and we hope he threw away the ones that I believe are from our first house or several doors ago!  Life is an adventure.
Thank you for praying for our son-in-law, Zac.  He along with his 8 students arrived safely at Momentum...yea!
Last Sunday at church our dear friend, Morgan Meyers, sang a song I hadn't heard before but touched my heart as so many things do these days.  It was called "Desert Song" and she did an amazing job with it.  If you have time to listen I know you'll be blessed.
Morgan's 21st birthday was July, 12th!  Happy Birthday, Morgan...we love you!
Speaking of the Meyer's family...Carylee invited me over yesterday for a "pool day".  What a beautiful day to enjoy His creation and fellowship together around their beautiful pool.  Thanks for a relaxing day, Carylee...a special time.  I'm not sure we would ever run out of conversation!
God continues to encourage me with His Word.
"I sought the Lord and He answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to Him are radiant with joy;
their faces will never be ashamed."
Psalm 34:4-5
I pray that when you see me and I see you our faces radiate with His joy!

1 comment:

Barb said...

You and Tom manage to have a lot of little "adventures" in your life!! I'm impressed with the five mile bike ride! I love the picture of you and Carylee...such a great family. I'm also excited that Tom has been able to be at school...probably the best medicine for him. Thank you again for keeping us all updated, Lisa. We continue to pray...and I love the verse you chose...your face always reflects the joy of the Lord...even in difficult times.