Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Sunday, October 7, 2012


To blog or not to blog...decisions...
Last Sunday I posted about worshiping from the recliner at Tom's bedside...
Today I realize it's been three weeks since Tom has had any food of substance...
Hard to imagine for us Americans who enjoy three square meals a day and then some sweets or snacks to tie us over between or put us to bed at night!
Tom loved a bowl of ice cream or a milkshake before bed...not any more.
Since we're talking about food...
Many of us are familiar with Daniel who kept a steady diet of the kings choicest vegetables and remained stronger and healthier than his counterparts:
"At the end of ten days their appearance seemed better
and they were fatter than all the youths who had been eating the king’s choice food.
So the overseer continued to withhold their choice food and the wine they were to drink,
and kept giving them vegetables.  As for these four youths,
God gave them knowledge and intelligence in every branch of literature and wisdom;
Daniel even understood all kinds of visions and dreams."
Daniel 1:15-17
I love vegetables...
Well, most vegetables...I'm sure there are many I haven't tried yet...and some I've had that I don't want to ever have again...but for the most part I think I could be a vegetarian.
We Americans have come to label those who have become unable to breathe, eat, etc. on their own as "vegetables"...I'm thinking Tom is almost a vegetable...I LOVE this matter how you slice, dice, cook, steam or prepare him...he's the BEST veggie around!
Maybe this sounds's the way my weird brain works now...
Maybe it's the three weeks of sitting and watching, waiting, pleading, praying and wondering...
Never imagined it this way...
The last few days have really declined for Tom.  He is no longer communicating with us.  He is no longer opening his eyes.  He is sleeping.  Quietly breathing...sometimes steady, other times irregularly.  Now that he is here at the Kobacker House the nurses and aides have taken most of the care taking from me.  I still enjoy giving him his shave, brushing his teeth and today I even clipped his fingernails.  I try to believe that he preferred my care over the wonderful nurses and aides here.  We used to joke, at home, that if Tom wasn't ever satisfied with how I cared for him I could call an agency that would provide that service!  He quickly would tell me what an amazing job I was doing!
Back to vegetables and little children...
I am missing my niece's baby shower today...
I am go or to stay at Tom's side...decisions.
I'm staying at Tom's side and thinking about how life goes on outside of these walls.
The cycle of life...
Babies born...people slip into eternity.
We've watched lives come and go here...the people who work here have a special gift from their Maker to sustain them through the last earthly days of those who enter here.
When our children were little we enjoyed watching Veggie Tales videos with them and learning God's truth through simple stories.  I'm thinking Tom has always looked more like Larry the Cucumber...these days he's beginning to look more like Junior Asparagus!
Choosing Joy in the garden of life...
I may lose some readers after this post!


Mr. Stoll said...

Lisa, you can't and won't loose our love, support and prayers. Thank you for allowing us this precious opportunity to share in your grief and read such raw, honest emotions, yet still FULL of FAITH!

Holly said...

Oh friend.....its good (and hard!) to read your words. Our prayers continue to be with you as you wait. May you continue to feel God's powerful hand during these days of unknown. We love you.

Erin Sagraves said...

Mrs. Anglea, I'm sure you've gotten stories like these a lot, especially recently, but I just wanted to go ahead and share this anyway. But Mr. Anglea is an amazing principal. I graduated from WCHS going on 12 years, now (class of 2001). I still go to Grace, and whenever I would see him at church, he would always say, "hi, Erin, how are you doing?" He would also ask me about how my friends were doing and whatnot. So, he not only would remember who I was, but he would also remember who my friends were in high school. You know someone's a great principal when 10 years later, he still remembers the students of the school, and who their friends are. :) And, Mrs. Anglea, thank you for all your support of him, because without you, he wouldn't have been able to be as amazing as a principal as he has been.

Unknown said...

Love your honesty and devotion. You are a wonderful wife. And Tom knows this. He will be in eternity soon and you will know you did your very best for him. Love to you. Kathleen hadder

Unknown said...

Lisa, I thought this was a beautiful post. Love and prayers to you and your wonderful family.

Dee said...

Sending love and prayers for you, Tom, Matt, Sarah and Zach....

Cathy said...

This one of my favorite preciously honest. Was there ever a string bean Veggie character?? You know our hearts are breaking along with yours...of course, not to the same extent. I think you made the right choice to stay with Tom and not go to the shower. I saw his eyes light up when you returned from getting your hair done, and how he wanted to hold your hand and not let go. Praying for you to feel God's comfort and peace in an extra special way today. Love to you all.

Unknown said...

Lisa, you have a lovely way with words. I have been catching up on your story since I heard about Tom from PaulaKay. You and Tom and your family are in my thoughts and prayers every day. My heart breaks for you both, and yet I rejoice in the way the Lord is glorifying Himself through each of you, every step of this journey.

May the Lord continue to give you strength and comfort you.

Polly Armour van der Bijl
Bryan '87 (We were suitemates for a short time our freshman year at Cedar Hill :) )

claudia said...

lisa, your words have touched so many hearts in many ways. words that have ministered to those suffering and even to those who may one day travel this same road. thank you for your willingness to open heart to the world.

tom's milk shake recipe is still in the kitchen drawer at the lake house. a tried and true recipe!

i read erin's message [above] oh so true. tom has been first-class at whatever he has set out to do. a man of incredible integrity. and i know that had a lot to do with the 'woman behind the man'. and a beautiful woman she is!

Carol Torrie said...
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Carol Torrie said...

Lisa-I will never forget our years with Beth doing "Slim for Him!" Paul will never forget his time with Tom on the flight from their senior trip in 2010 into Orlando. I know there are no words to make it better.....all we can do is pray and we are! I love this song by Mark Schultz....

Unknown said...

Lisa...I appreciate your honesty. Don't apologize for sharing your thoughts during this difficult time. We love you and Tom and continue to pray for you during this journey.

Debbie Richardson said...

Dear Lisa...

although we've never met, please know my heart is breaking for you and Tommy at this time; thank you for being so painfully honest in sharing your heart, the way you care and love Tom... the depth of your love for your sweetheart is so evident the way you describe the things you are doing for him these days. I hope you feel the love he has for you, simply because he knows you're there. God bless you, Tom, your kids and your folks and Tom's folks, too. Knowing that Heaven is His home, somehow makes this barely bearable... barely. Please know you are being lifted up in prayer daily.

Debbie Richardson
Bryan College, *83
Hollywood, FL

Sue said...

Sue Porter
Lisa, I love your honesty in your blogs and I pray daily for all of you. The wonderful thing about Kobacher House is that they have kind, loving people to provide the care and you can just love on him and spend time near to him. My daughter, Kate, graduated in 2003 and I spent time working in the office. I can't imagine a finer person to have been her principal. Whenever I talked with him, I always knew he loved his family very much. I will continue to pray!

Sue said...

Lisa, I love your honesty in your blogs and I pray daily for all of you. The wonderful thing about Kobacher House is that they have kind, loving people to provide the care and you can just love on him and spend time near to him. My daughter, Kate, graduated in 2003 and I spent time working in the office. I can't imagine a finer person to have been her principal. Whenever I talked with him, I always knew he loved his family very much. I will continue to pray!

Unknown said...

A life well lived......

Lori Diaz said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Anglea family. Thank you for sharing Tom with all if us. We are all better because of the encounter! God certainly got the glory! - The Diaz Family (Mikayla Diaz c/o 2014)

Lori Diaz said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Anglea family. Thank you for sharing Tom with all if us. We are all better because of the encounter! God certainly got the glory! - The Diaz Family (Mikayla Diaz c/o 2014)

Lynn C said...

Lisa, may you feel the Love of God and family and friends wrap around you as you continue this journey alone. May the memories of Tom's life and love for you sustain you. Please know how much your honest words you have shared have touched the lives of many!
Know you are loved by many~ Lynn