Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Monday, September 30, 2013


“May peace be within your walls,
And prosperity within your palaces.”
 For the sake of my brothers and my friends,
I will now say, “May peace be within you.”
 For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,
I will seek your good.
Psalm 122:7-9
What can I say? I have the best brother ever!! Who takes a week of vacation to go help their needy sister?  My brother!! There have been some items on my "to do" list that Mike decided to come and help me with.  What an encouragement he is to me.  We got the house title/deed solely in my name, met with my financial planner, looked at some condos, started the loan application process, went to dinner with Terry, Kelly, Zac, Mike, Lauren, Tim, Zac and Sarah for my birthday, refinished my kitchen table, had dinner at our sister's, went to our nephews soccer game, visited Tom's grave & had a picnic lunch there, toured ExhibitPro, and redid a flower bed!  When he left on Friday I thought to myself how much easier life is with a "team".  Thank you to my awesome sister-in-love, Cheryl, for releasing Mike to come to my aid!
Crab Cake Salad for my birthday dinner at J.Liu
Birthday Dessert to share!
Friends come to visit on my birthday...
Carylee brought DQ Blizzards...Ginny brought carrot cake!
Thank You Patti for the Cheryl's Cookie!
Thank You McMahon family for my special card!
Thank You everyone for the beautiful birthday wishes...
cards, e-mails & Facebook greetings!
Praising the Lord for my new job!
A beautiful day for a picnic at the cemetery with Mike, Zac & Sarah
Friday night I was whisked away on a birthday surprise by Sarah.  We went to dinner only to find Zac, Matt and Liz waiting for us...SURPRISE!  After dinner we decided, since it was such a beautiful night, to take sky lanterns to Hoover Reservoir in remembrance of Tom.
Family Fun Night
Sarah & Zac
Matt & Liz
"And they remembered that God was their rock,
And the Most High God their Redeemer."
Psalm 78:35
Saturday we drove to Marysville, Ohio to go apple picking.  What a perfect day to roam the apple orchard and fill our bags with fresh apples for fall baking!
Ready to pick apples...Sarah, Lisa, Matt & Liz
Mother & Daughter
Liz & Matt
Lunch on the sidewalk in downtown Worthington
Matt & Liz making caramel apples!
Sunday was the "icing on the cake" of a great weekend...Zac did the preaching on Sunday!  What an amazing job he did.  You can hear the sermon on our church's website and click on "sermons", you will be blessed.  We are thankful that Zac's parents, grandfather, brother, sister-in-love, nieces and nephew were there.  After church we all gathered for Sunday lunch at our house.  What a great time of fellowship we enjoyed.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Babies, Bride & Birthdays

Short North with Margaret

The way out of confusion is to concentrate: circle around Christ. Simplicity isn’t a matter of circumstances — it’s a matter of focus.
Concentrate on Christ — and life becomes pure, concentrated joy.
-Ann Voskamp state of life lately!  Lord, help me concentrate on me focus.  I was told that the one year anniversaries are hard...I wasn't considering this hard.  One year ago Tom went into The Kobacker Hospice Care Facility.  Last weekend Matt and Liz accompanied me to the Kobacker House to meander the outdoor walking trail.  It was the first time back to reminisce over all the Lord has done for the last year.  How can a year have gone by?  It feels like a lifetime of heartache poured into a short span of time that causes my heart strain.  I know what to do...concentrate on's the focusing I'm having trouble with.  Focusing on who am I apart from's kind of like trying to embrace who I am apart from Christ...I don't want to think about that!  Who am I?  Where do I fit into this life?  Much feels awkward and empty...lonely.
I recently was interviewed by our pastor as he prepared for a new sermon series on I Peter and he wanted to hear about my experience with suffering.  This short video clip is the edited version of a lengthy conversation that was shown at church Sunday.  I'm humbled to think God can use my story to bring Him glory and encourage others.
Lauren's Baby Shower
Babysitting Annie Grace!
We made a trip to WCMS to visit Nana!
Not babies anymore BUT I did have the privilege of babysitting these precious children!
Katherine, Megan & Grant Weakley
Chalkboard at the Weakley's Home

Joel & Morgan
September 15, 2013
Thank you Joel and Morgan for allowing me the privilege of having a small part on your BIG day...
I love you both and pray God's richest blessings on your life serving Him!
Aubrey & Aunt Lisa

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Jumping In...with both feet!

Vacations are over...
School has started...
Fall programming begins...
So many options, so much time on my do I enter back into the busy life I once knew, but seems so far away?  At times, I think how quiet and calm the last two years have been as Tom and I quickly withdrew from many of the "normal" activities that surrounded us.  Tom's diagnosis, his paralysis and then my diagnosis caused for a quick halt to the life we once knew.  How do I "enter back in" as a "half" of person?  First, I realize that God purposefully, patiently and perfectly planned our story for His glory...I must be aware that He is God and I am NOT!  What I think would have been a good plan, wasn't His plan...can I adjust to this new life?  I am putting both feet forward and choosing to live as He would want...humble, with a gentle spirit desiring God's will...which is rejoicing with great joy because He is my faithful Creator!
"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ,
after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong,
firm and steadfast."
I Peter 5:10
I am being restored and strengthened as I stand firm and steadfast in Him!
With this in mind...I have made some "lofty" commitments...I started this week as a Mentor Mom for our MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers) group at church, two Tuesdays a month.  I have started going to a GriefShare group every Thursday evening (12 week course).  I will be participating in a Sunday School starting this Sunday.  And, I have signed up to be in a ladies grace group on Tuesday evenings.  In the "between time" I am casually looking for part-time if you know of an opening where I could serve in the Columbus area, let me know!
A beautiful woman...inside & out!
God saw me through a very difficult time...going to the first Celebration of Life service.  It was an honor to show support to the Rettstatt family as they celebrated the life of a dear wife, mother, and grandmother on August 23.  Walking back into our church that day brought many emotions back that I wanted to avoid, but couldn't.  I'm not sure if it was the emotional toll or just my heart acting up, but it forced me to call the cardiologist...of course they wanted to see me.  After an echo cardiogram, EKG and having my pacemaker interrogated...they said my heart was as good as could be in my situation (even better than last visit!).  The doctor did make some medication changes and we will see if that will prevent the pressure I'm experiencing (or I just don't go to anymore funerals!).
Emi's Tea Party
One of the joys of feeling better and having 'time' was being able to say "yes" to watching our youth pastor's daughter while her mom got her hair cut!  What a fun time Emi and I had as she entertained me with her special tea set!
Matt & Liz
What a blessing to have Matt home for a couple of weeks before going back to MVNU.  He bubbles with the "joy of the Lord" and a young lady friend...Elizabeth Rose Pecchio!  It was fun to have Liz in town for a couple of days too.  Matt and Liz moved back to MVNU on Sunday.  Matt starts his senior year and Liz will be a junior.  On Sunday I was able to meet Liz's parents, Bob & Peggy...what a fun evening we had together.  I told them that Tom & I moved Matt in his freshman year as a "normal" college freshmen with no worries in the world. However, much caution was taken on move-in day his sophomore year as Tom had been diagnosed with GBM and was moving pretty slow.  But, Matt moved in alone his junior year since Tom was confined to his wheelchair and the dorm was not handicap accessible.  This year his dad watched from the front lines of heaven...I did it alone...tears streaming down my cheeks as we drove separately with both cars loaded of all his "earthy goods".  I praise the Lord for His strength to let me help in a little way, still feeling so frail.  Thank you to all Matt's friends, cousin and roommates who made the unloading easy!  Thank You, Ginny for calling me and making the drive home "not alone".
Lisa, Sarah, Morgan & Carylee
What fun it has been for me to watch the "love story" grow between Joel Trainer and Morgan Meyers!  Sarah and I were honored to celebrate with her at a beautiful bridal shower.  We can't wait for September 15th to see God join two godly, young people who desire to serve Him!

Thank You, Hyrnkow Family!
Your love, support & prayers are GREATLY appreciated...
One Cousin Binds Three Cousins!
Wendy, Brenda & Lisa
What a fun Labor Day fellowshiping with my cousin and her cousin.  My mom and Brenda's dad are brother and sister.  Brenda's mom and Wendy's mom are sisters.  We all went to high school together, Brenda two grades ahead of Wendy and I who were in the same class.  We enjoyed reminiscing about high school and people who now are our Facebook friends BUT the most fun was hearing how God has written His story on our hearts!  Priceless is knowing we all share the commonality of being "sisters" in Christ.  Brenda prepared the most wonderful lunch and now we can cross off our "bucket list" our little reunion, however...if the Lord tarries...we should definitely do this again!