Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Thanksgiving Past...Christmas Forward

I haven't stopped writing's just that they're all in my head and not posted here!
I have SO much swimming in my head, I even wake up at night thinking "I should write that down"!
Thanksgiving Highlights:
Traveling to Michigan to be with Dan, Brittany, Declan & precious, new born baby, Holden!
Nothing quite like 'newborn snuggles'
Great Grandparents & Grandparents
...and don't forget all the amazing food!
Bowling with the Meyer's Family
(L to R) Carylee, Ike, Doug, Joel, Jess & Morgan
Annie Grace's 1st birthday!
Yes, your eyes aren't tricking you...that's a real gun, a 22 as a matter of fact!
What one year old, girl, gets a gun for her first birthday?
One little girl whose father loves to hunt and happens to work for Cabela's!
"Annie get your gun!"
Christmas Cookie Baking with Sarah
Buckeyes - Chocolate Chex Mix - Pecan Tarts - Chocolate Crinkles
...cut-outs not pictured...
Stranger Becomes Friend
While recently shopping at the local supermarket, I was stopped by a lady who asked:
"Are you Lisa Anglea?"
Ugh...yes, I am...
This dear lady, I'd never met before, recognized me from this blog!  Her son is a senior at WCHS.  Tom had the privilege of interviewing this family just prior to his diagnosis.
We enjoyed a lengthy conversation in the cheese aisle!
I'm lifting you up, Pam...trusting God to hold you tight just as He is me!
"The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
And saves those who are crushed in spirit."
Psalm 34:18
Rocks in my Stocking
I write this next "highlight" with much embarrassment...
Over Thanksgiving I was experiencing much pain, a familiar pain...I have a kidney stone.
I've had a kidney stone before and know that feeling.
After two weeks of persistent pain I finally called the doctor and a CT scan was performed.
The doctor called with the inevitable news:
"You have kidney stones"
 I was waiting to hear:
"You have a kidney stone"
Leave it to me...not one, not two, but three!
 Two in my left kidney and one in the right...not passable!
After meeting with an is scheduled for Friday.
An outpatient procedure:  ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy.
Thank you to Stephanie LaMonte for making the day of appointments (in the snow storm) much more enjoyable than going alone!
2014 can only get better...right?!
Condo Living
I'm not sure it can get any quieter than living alone...
better to hear God speak!
The floors are solid, no basement...
Did I mention how quiet it is here?
My "son-in-love" recently visited and said it's like an old persons home...
my place heats up so quickly & I love that!
(I guess old people's homes are warm!)
I like cozy...flip a switch and I have a doesn't get much easier than that...
I watched Tom labor over chopping, splitting, stacking & hauling firewood for years!
We both loved a roaring gas logs don't "roar", but I know Tom smiles down on me as I pull my chair up and block all the heat (no one to block)!  He used to call me HB (aka: heat blocker)!
 There are so many aspects of living alone that make Tom's absence more profound...
Keeping my car clean in this salty, snowy winter...
Keeping gas in my car, pumping gas is COLD...
Dropping me off at the door to wherever we were going...
he was the ultimate "southern gentleman"...
always getting my door for me...
I now park, walk & reminisce of "the good old days"...
What a nice, big garage I have...
I'm so thankful I don't have to leave my car out to have to scrape when ice and snow comes!
 Something Tom always did was take out the trash...
I'm thankful I can do it...when I remember!  He had such a keen memory of trash day!
Living Christmas Trees
(aka: LCT, or as Tom would say LTC!)
I had the privilege of joining the Meyers family for this years Pageant last night.
I think it was one of my favorites, but I think I say that every year!
Here is my favorite song from this year:
"This Blood"
The highlight was seeing Eli (Dwayne Smith) dance in "heaven" at the end of the show!
I cried like a baby thinking of Tom dancing...full, whole and perfect before his heavenly Father!
It's an incredible feeling...the hope of heart is full!
My prayer is that when God calls me to my real home in heaven,
that I will see YOU there one day too!
Giving, Not Getting
This year my extended family "adopted" two less fortunate families for Christmas.
Instead of buying for each other we bought for them!
What fun it was to see all the goodies gathered...
an anonymous gift of love sure to bring joy!
Sarah & Aubrey wrap the gifts!
Praying your Christmas celebration is celebrating CHRIST!
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold,
I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people;
for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior,
who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:10-11 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My name is Ayesha Khan ,am 24 year old female from India,am a single mother.I am writing to ask for financial assistance. My ten -year-old son , Ashu, was diagnosed with a kidney condition.Am a single mother i lost my Husband a year ago,I have no job, We stay in a one small on rent of $ 20 dollars per month, Before my husband died we had a little savings that is what we have been depending on,now is finished.Due to this i can not afford to give treatment to my son but only to see him die. I wish i could have the courage to write down all my sad life to you,its so worst than i can write to you. Despite all of these problems , Ashu still manages to carry a positive attitude and make every attempt to make others laugh. He loves playing soccer and basketball.
I am attempting to raise funds for Ashu'a treament. The funds received will go on his treatment,it cost us $ 2000 dollars
I am requesting any assistance that you may be capable of giving, whether it is monetary support, publicity surrounding his condition, or a donation. I understand that you may receive many letters, like this one, requesting for financial support, and I honestly understand if you are not able to assist at this point in time.
Thank you so much for time and consideration,

Ayesha Khan