Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Greetings from Florida!

A few weeks back our dear friends, Kent and Suzanne Homoelle, invited me to join them on their flight to Florida! It was a last minute thought that made me check their flight schedule and tickets were still I jumped (hesitantly) and decided to come visit my parents for two weeks!  The unfortunate part of this story is Sarah and I came down with the stomach flu the day before I left.  I prayed that it would be the 24 hour wasn't.  I would have cancelled the trip had I gotten insurance...the flight was pretty miserable for me, but I was thankful the flight wasn't full, I wasn't flying alone and I didn't have any "mishaps" on the plane.  Once arriving in Tampa, Bethany found a wheelchair for me and pushed me through to baggage claim! I'm not sure I would have made it and so thankful I didn't have to find out! Thanks, Beth!!  Suzanne only had to pull over once for me on our drive from Tampa to Venice...gross.  I prayed mightily that they wouldn't pick up this nasty germ.  It was so good to lay down at my parents and let my mom wait on me! I thought, "it's a 48 hour bug, I'll be better tomorrow"...NOT!  It was a four day bug that really started this vacation off on a bad note.  I'm feeling better and so thankful for the love and care of my parents!
This week is another especially hard week...our anniversary.  Tom and I always joked that the 4th of July fireworks were to celebrate us! Our anniversary is July 6th, but we liked to think the party was ours...not so much a party for me this year. I'm sure Tom is having an incredible celebration...EVERYDAY...much different here on earth, living with the consequences of sin.  I continue to hold my chin high and thank the Lord for the 27 years He did give me with Tom.
Praying you celebrate HIS freedom!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are a true woman of God-given strength, vitality and courage. Thank you for sharing your journey in this format. I've just stumbled upon (aka led by God to) your blog and have spent the morning getting to know you. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you with his never ending Grace, Peace and Comfort. My life is richer for "knowing" you.
