Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Babies, Blessings & Bittersweet Break

Congratulations to Jason & Hannah Walker on the birth of their third son, Ian Thomas Walker!  Ian was born on Sunday, November 25th, 2012 at 11:59 a.m. weighing in at 8 lbs. and measuring 20 and a half inches tall.  Another proof that I am a great aunt!  Tom would be so honored to know his name continues on.  I pray that Ian will grow to be an amazing man of God just like his great uncle Tom.
Pops & Ian Thomas!
More babies are on the niece, Emily and her husband, Travis are expecting their firstborn any day now and Hannah's sister, Abbie and her husband, Alan are expecting their firstborn in May.
Abbie at 16 weeks!
I am so thankful for the families that Tom and I both have that will teach their children to love Jesus with all their hearts and our Christian heritage will continue long after we are gone from this earth.
“Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one!
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your might.
These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.
You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house
and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up."
Deuteronomy 6:4-7
Andrew & Erin
Congratulations to my niece, Erin and her fiance, Andrew!  They were engaged on November 17th and are planning a June 1st wedding!  We think Andrew is a perfect addition to our family.  He comes from a home where Jesus is lifted up and I am so thankful he knows Jesus personally and will lead Erin as Christ leads His bride, the church.
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.
For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church,
his body, and is himself its Savior.
Now as the church submits to Christ,
so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,
that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word,
so that he might present the church to himself in splendor,
without spot or wrinkle or any such thing,
that she might be holy and without blemish.
Ephesians 5:22-27
Have I told you lately how much I miss my groom?  I'm so thankful for the Groom of Christ who is ever faithful in leading, loving and guiding me down these paths that are so new to me.  I'm learning how true His ever-present character quality is!  As we celebrated Thanksgiving (Tom-less) I was so thankful for Jesus' presence, family and friends.  Matt and I enjoyed mother/son bonding Wednesday evening and then decided to take an invitation to Doug and Carylee Meyers' home for Thanksgiving day.  I will put teaching Matt how to make a Thanksgiving dinner on hold for now.  We enjoyed our time with the Meyers' and appreciate their friendship and hospitality!
It is our Kline family tradition to gather at my sister's home for the remainder of the Thanksgiving weekend.  What a void there was this year...not only not having Tom, but my parents too.  I am so thankful that dad came through his partial knee replacement with flying colors and was able to leave the hospital on Thanksgiving day to go enjoy a meal at a friend's home!  He is receiving physical therapy at home and learning how to get back on his feet.  But I can't say how much they were missed.
It is a yearly tradition to shoot guns on the Saturday after Thanksgiving for the boys.
(L to R) Kody, Nathan, Zac, Andrew, Tim, Braden, Zac & Matt
(front) Dan, Terry & Travis
(Taking the pic: Mike)...(Missing: Tom & Papa)
While the boys were enjoying their activities the girls went wig shopping!  Whooo Hooo...I will be losing my hair 10-14 days from this Thursday.
Cheryl & Kelly with their picks!
A wig always sounds like a great idea unless you're the one who has to have one!  I'm hesitant to get one because the last time I went through chemotherapy I got a wig a never wore it!  I never know until my hair is gone how I will feel about a wig vs. a hat....continue to watch to find out!  I am so thankful for these two precious sisters to make the experience an experience to you Kelly and Cheryl!
Lauren, Erin, Morgan & Cassidy
(no these are NOT the colors...just a style!)
After wig shopping we met up with the cousins at David's Bridal to drive Erin crazy with all our opinions on wedding and bridesmaid dresses!  Thank you, Erin for enduring the organized chaos.
Kelly, Cheryl & Me...Bridal Consultants Extraordinaire
(okay, my hair is a little...ugh...I tried on a lot of wigs prior to this pic!)
Blessings this past week:
Willow Tree "Heart & Soul" from Cheryl
I know you're here for me...
Beautiful Pillow & Card...thank you, Karen Brown
"Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns,
and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
Matthew 6:26
His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me....
All Natural Deodorant, Lip Scrub & Balm to use during treatment...made by Ginger Gibson
Thank You, Ginger!
Thank You, Judy Lanning for this book...
I will read it and anticipate God's voice...
Sweet Potato Pie...Thank You, Karen Dawson
(& Jason for putting me on "the list"!)
Through laughter and tears, Sarah and I made a trek to Menard's to select our 2012 Christmas Tree.  We didn't realize that the trees would be bundled and tied so you couldn't tell what it would look like, only how tall!  We decided to "go for it" and be worked out...except the fact that Tom, Zac nor Matt were with us.  What a blessing Sarah's positive attitude is during heart wrenching times like this.  We listened to a Christmas CD on the way there and Sarah would continue to hit "forward" as each song brought tears, songs like:  "I'll be Home for Christmas" and "All I Want for Christmas is You"!
We decided our tree is beautiful and Tom would approve.

The most precious ornament this year!
Thank you, Anne Marie for the gift card to make it, love you, love Tom!
Not only was I able to purchase the ornament, but this beautiful necklace too!
t & l
Prayer Requests for this week:
-Tonight Sarah, Zac & I will travel to Matt's last home game until after Christmas - please pray for safety and that Matt would have a game that honor's & reflects the Lord...
-Wednesday, Carylee will take me bright and early to OSU Medical Center for out-patient surgery to place my chemotherapy port (they say plan on 5 hrs.)...
-Thursday, Kelly will take me for my first chemotherapy treatment...blood work starting at 8:50, followed by oncologist visit, chemo, then a visit with the surgeon...long day (they said plan on 6 hrs.)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


With an ache in my heart this Thanksgiving, I still choose to give thanks for God's goodness in my life.  Today as I wept because of my loneliness, I was still able to be thankful in knowing where Tom is this Thanksgiving.  A friend and I think that everyday in heaven is Thanksgiving Day!  As we walk this earthly sod we must celebrate Thanksgiving is life changing...choosing to be thankful.
I wanted to share some thankful praises in my life over this past week:
#1332 - A Willow Tree 'Angel of Prayer' from Patti Sweigard
#1340 - Dinner provided by Jan Johnson
White Chicken Chili, Cornbread & Brownies

#1355 - A surprise "Hat Party" in my honor
#1356 - Hat & Christmas CD from Carylee
#1357 - Hat from my sister, Kelly
#1358 - Hat & Warm Fuzzy Jammie's from Jeannette
#1359 - Warm hat & personal goodies from Karen
#1360 - Hat & Scarves from Terri
#1361 - Hat from Nancy
#1362 - Beanie Hat & Slippers from Ingrid
#1363 - Scarf, Soaps & Chocolate from Ulrike
 #1364 - Tee Shirt & Hat from Jennifer, Lori & Beth
#1365 - The Armor of God - Ready to Fight this Battle!
#1366 - Lisa Leonard Jewelry Gift Certificate from Anne Marie
#1367 - Warm Hats from Ginny
#1368 - Hats from Suzanne 
#1369 - Amazing Friends
#1370 - A Wonderful Thanksgiving Service
#1371 - "Broken Hallelujah" sung by Karen Rugg-Klapheke at church
#1372 - Zac preaching
#1373 - Lunch with the Hess Family and a super special pink bracelet with each bead representing their family and prayer
#1374 - A good dental appointment and a dentist who prays with me
#1375 - A gift of massage
#1376 - A christian financial planner
#1377 - Safety for Tom's parents to Chicago
#1378 - Successful Partial Knee Replacement for my dad
#1379 - Encouragement from Laurie Gatton
#1380 - Flowers & Whoopie Pies from the O'Roark Family
#1381 - A God Encounter with Mary Peterman & gift of NutriBullet
#1382 - A Thanksgiving Pecan Pie from Bob & Jan Johnson
#1383 - Friends (Homoelle's) to take me to Grace College to see Matt play!
Praying that you too find MUCH to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Headaches & Hearts

"We are the women who want the thing God wants more than we are afraid of it, the women who know when the love of Christ motivates, the more fearless of everything we become, the women who know real joy is not found in having the best of everything but in trusting that God’s making the best of everything.
We are the women who make our lives about the cause of Christ, not the applause of men, live to express the Gospel, not to impress the Jones’, live not to make our absence felt, but to make Christ’s presence known."
                                            -Ann Voskamp, A Holy Experience
What a week!  A week with more to be thankful for than not.  Tuesday Sarah was able to take off of work for the morning to accompany me to my mammogram and ultrasound biopsies.  After searching long and hard for the two nodes under my arm, not getting a clear picture of the lump in my right breast and meeting with the radiologist, they decided I needed an MRI biopsy for clearer images of both sites.  I thanked the Lord that they weren't easy to find and hope that Jesus was already taking away any further spread of cancer cells!  Sarah was able to go back to work and get a half day in.
Wednesday started early with Ginny picking me up for my 7:30 a.m. bone scan and CT scan.  It was originally scheduled for the bone scan in the morning and then the CT scan in the afternoon, so the scheduler told me to be prepared to be there for the whole day.  Ginny and I came prepared for the long haul only to have God orchestrate our day better than we could have.  I went right in to get the injection for the bone scan (I take longer to start an IV than the average person because of my tiny/poor veins) once the radioactive dye was injected I had three hours to wait.  They were able to "walk" me into the CT scan and start that process while I waited for the radioactive dye to attach to my bones.  I was so thankful that the contrast I had to drink has improved in the last 20 years!  I remember trying to choke down 3 cups of chalky, it's a wonderful clear water drink that you can flavor with Crystal problem!  Of course with Ginny cheering me on it made it much better.  After an hour of drinking (contrast), talking and laughing it was time for the scan...simple.  Once done with the CT scan it was time to head back down to Nuclear Medicine and have the bone scan...simple.  We were heading out of the hospital by lunch time and so excited that we had the rest of the day to "play".  Of course lunch out and a little shopping hurts no one!
Thursday didn't start as early and my body was thankful for the extra sleep before my second opinion appointment at The Stephanie Spielman Breast Cancer Center at OSU.  I had the "troupes" with me for this big appointment:  my brother Mike, sister-in-love Cheryl-RN, sister Kelly and niece Emily-RN.  I have to confess I started the day with a headache and it only progressed throughout the day.  When they took my blood pressure they were not happy...high.  I don't usually have high blood pressure and they said I may have "white coat syndrome"...nervous about the doctor's appointment.  I'm not a nervous person, but maybe my nerves manifest themselves this way...not typical...I've had many doctor appointments in my life to prove this theory!  Anyway as the day became longer, my headache became worse.  I was so thankful for the encouraging news that the bone scan and CT scan were normal...other than a little arthritis in my neck...what a praise that the cancer hasn't spread!  However, the core biopsy didn't have enough tissue for a full report on staging and grading so the surgeon wanted to do another core biopsy.  Once we were finished in the surgeons office we were escorted up a couple floors to meet with the oncologist.  My appointments were 10:00 a.m. with the surgeon and 1:40 p.m. with the oncologist.  I thought this would be perfect so that we could grab lunch between the appointments.  Well, the wait for the mammogram (which I forgot to bring with me & my brother was able to go pick up at Riverside) and then the biopsy made for no time for lunch.  They did have some snacks and water for us and we were thankful for those.  Now this is where things became a little tricky...with my cancer history and having already received the maximum lifetime radiation dose and the maximum lifetime dose of Adriamycin...I am limited in what is standard treatment for my breast cancer.  The doctor didn't seem concerned and she has many other drugs to use.  I am currently scheduled for my first chemotherapy treatment on Thursday, November 29th.  I will need to have a port installed sometime prior to that.  I had a port before and wished now that I had kept it!  After the long, detailed and informative meeting with the oncologist (& some fellows) we were escorted back down to ultrasound.  It was their goal to get more biopsies under my arm and in the right no avail.  We closed down the office at 6pm exhausted and hungry.  We met up with Sarah at Olive Garden before getting home with a pounding head ready for bed.  It was a rough night of not much sleep, much heart racing/pounding and some unusual symptoms that caused alarm.  I chose not to go to the ER and promptly made an appointment with my family doctor on Friday.  Yes my blood pressure was out of control and I'm currently on temporary blood pressure medication.  After many tests they have come to the conclusion that I had a migraine headache that caused much of my distress!  I am thankful to Sarah and Julie Mitchell who came to my rescue in my time of great need.
I've taken it easy today getting back on my feet preparing for this next busy week.  Readying myself for Sunday worship, Monday dental appointment and financial planning session, and Tuesday a trip to see Matt play basketball at Grace College.  I will make the 3 hour ride with the Homoelle's.  Then on Wednesday I will have the MRI with 3-4 biopsies.  Thursday I will "GIVE THANKS" with/for all of you with turkey and all the trimmings!
"Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me and know my anxious thoughts;
And see if there be any hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way."
Psalm 139:23-24

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pain, Pedestal & Praise

"I give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, since I know of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love which you have for me; because of the hope laid up for us in heaven, of which you previously heard in the word of truth, the gospel which has come to you, just as in all the world also it is constantly bearing fruit and increasing, even as it has been doing in you also since the day you heard of it and understood the grace of God in truth."
Colossians 1:3-6
If you are familiar with the social networking site 'Facebook', you will know that there is a way to "unfriend" someone who you previously "friended"!  There could be any number of reasons why you would choose to "unfriend" someone or why someone would "unfriend" you.  The reason I state this is that at this time in my life I would totally understand why someone would choose to "unfriend" me at this time.  I will 'cut to the chase' and let you know that this week I was diagnosed with breast's out, it's official and as Tom would say, "Here we go!" and now as I say, "Here we continue!".  I can honestly say that the pedestal that God chose to place Tom and I on during Tom's diagnosis of GBM, I was ready to step down from.  However, God never wants us to step down off of His pedestal that brings Him praise.  I am to "preach the word; be ready in season and out of season;" II Timothy 4:2...I guess what I'm saying is I was ready for a "season change"!  BUT there is no season change for sharing the gospel of hope in Christ Jesus.  If God chooses to keep me on this pedestal then I know He will give me the grace and strength to walk this journey as I continue to keep my eyes and heart focused on HIM and the mission field(s) He places me in.  With Jesus, my incredible family, amazing friends and prayer can I go wrong?  I am so thankful that I have Tom's awesome example to follow.  I pray that I can walk through this valley with as much grace and trust as he did.  I have an abundance of friends who have walked the valley of breast cancer before me and are cheering me on...thank you in advance for the love, prayers and support that I know are coming my way.  My heart breaks as I know the past 19 months you all have not had a break from helping us carry our burdens.  I can't imagine going through the trials of life without family, friends and the body of Christ to help carry such burdens.
Now to back up and fill you in on my most recent "adventures".  Last Monday I had a small window of opportunity to "give back" to two dear friends who each recently had surgery and I had the pleasure of making them dinner!  What a blessing for me to be on the opposite end of service.  I had prayed that God would give me more opportunities to serve and give back...that may be on hold for awhile.
On Tuesday I had an appointment with a breast specialist.  My dear friend, Carylee, was my administrative assistant and second set of ears.  She came with her cheerful spirit, strong faith and a note pad to keep it all straight.  I was shocked when the doctor looked at me and said "it's cancer" before an exam or biopsy!  I was not prepared for that.  After a core biopsy and three hours in his office we headed to Bob Evans for soup, salad and time to hash out this new information heavy on our plates.  How can two friends spend so much time together and never run out of words?  She has helped me carry burdens for 28 years and isn't willing to stop now.  I officially have named her my "co-captain" on this team of pink warriors.  Not only did she accompany me to the doctor but she agreed to pick me up bright and early on Wednesday morning to go back to the hospital for my MRI.  After the MRI was finished we enjoyed coffee and treats before going on a road trip to Michigan!  Yes, we traveled to that "state up north" to not only see Matt's team play Madonna University but to also visit and spend the night with my niece, Brittany!  Doctor appointments, MRI's and road trips...what are friends for?
Brittany & Declan
We were unable to cheer the MVNU Cougars onto victory BUT we sure enjoyed our time together in spite of my recent news.  I am choosing to 'do and go' as much as possible while I continue to feel well because I'm not sure how long that will last!  Brittany was a super hostess and I am so thankful we were able to make the last minute decision to go.
Carylee, Me, Declan, Brittany & Matt after his game
Thursday morning on our way back to Columbus I decided to make another last minute stop at my cousin's home near Toledo.  What fun it was to visit and see her, her precious children and her beautiful home!  Great glad God prompted me and I obeyed!
Abbi, Quinton, Avery & Me
We arrived safely back to Columbus in time for me to make another last minute decision to go the next day to Amish Country with another dear friend, Ginny Englehart.  We have had some amazing weather here in Central Ohio and another beautiful day greeted us on Friday as we ventured out on our day trip.  I have some of the most fun friends and I wonder at times..."why do they enjoy hanging out with me?"...but I'm glad they do!  We enjoyed a breakfast buffet at the Der Dutchman along with Ginny's mom, niece and two great nieces.
Ginny enjoying breakfast!
Should I confess my plate was just as loaded?
After breakfast and celebrating a niece's 4th birthday we headed to the chocolate shop and then to one of the many gift shops brimming with beautiful things to tantalize the eyes!  I called it "stuff mart"...more trinkets to bring temporary satisfaction!  Ginny's goal for the day was to buy an Amish made duck house for her prized duck flock...mission accomplished.  While Ginny was selecting her duck house I was on the phone with OSU Medical Center scheduling appointments that are filling my week ahead.  After the duck house stop we went to the bulk food store to get baking supplies for the holidays...filling the cart along with our tummy's as we tasted all the delicious samples around the store!  Next food at the feed store.
Now to the Amish bakery to pick up a dessert for me to take to Dan and Nancy Green's that night and for Ginny to get special treats for her Grace Group.  Check...peach pie, pecan rolls, pumpkin roll and iced cookies.  The day went way too quickly.
Ginny & her mom, Karen at the Amish Bakery
Friday night Zac, Sarah and I enjoyed a chili dinner with Dan, Nancy and Aaron Green along with great conversation and of course a great evening until dampened with my sad news.  Thank you Green's for loving us, serving us and praying for us.
Saturday morning Sarah peeked her head into my bedroom as I was laying in bed watching HGTV.  She asked me if she could bring me breakfast in bed!  Of course not...I said I was "just practicing" staying in bed since I may have to do that soon...but, I wanted to fix my own breakfast while I still could!
Saturday was MVNU Homecoming and a 3:00 basketball game against Lawrence Tech.  It was another sunny day to travel north and meet up with extended family for the game.  The Cougars pulled off another win and now are 3-1.  After the game I had to share with Matt my diagnosis.  The hardest part of all this having to tell my precious family.  Like I knew he would...Matt took it with a great attitude.  I am so thankful for Zac, Sarah and Matt, fighting harder than anyone for their mom.  I have said to several people...I'm going to fight, but heaven is even sweeter now that Tom's there...just saying.  I am thankful Tom doesn't have to watch me battle cancer again.  It was so hard for him the first two times.  Yes, I've battled cancer (Hodgkin's Disease) twice.  In 1989 I received radiation treatment and then in 1994 chemotherapy.  The doctor says my radiation treatments increased my chances along with both an aunt and a cousin who have had breast cancer.  So I'm getting it from both angles.  Tom set the bar high for me...I pray I can make him proud.
Thankfulness Leaves for our Thanksgiving Tree
(you can print yours from A Holy Experience)
I can be thankful because of the hope of the gospel!  The gospel is not a philosophy or a story, it's a fact and reality of history.  Jesus could sleep though a storm on a boat because He could trust God apart from His circumstances.  I can walk through breast cancer because I can trust God, His Word and His promises.  He will never leave me or forsake me!
 "Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them,
for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you.
He will not fail you or forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
My week:
Monday (11/12) - Zac's Birthday!  Woo Hoo
Tuesday (11/13) - Mammogram & Ultrasound with two biopsies (MRI showed cancer in both breasts & under right arm)  The original biopsy was in left breast so the two biopsies will be under left arm and on right breast.
Wednesday (11/14) - CT scan with contrast & Bone Scan (please pray that it has not spread beyond the areas listed above)
Thursday (11/15) - Doctor appointments with surgeon and oncologist - PRAISE today God gave me another glimpse of His amazing love...the surgeon I will meet with on Thursday, his nurse is a sister-in-Christ who goes to Grace!  She was able to answer many questions after church today and has me "under her wing"!
I'm still struggling with the "time concept" and as my calendar has been filled with "me" I recollected that yesterday brought about the one month anniversary of Tom's home-going.  Still so hard to believe.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Birthday Weekend

But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved,
that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years,
and a thousand years like one day."
II Peter 3:8
Time is an interesting concept to me right now...I'm struggling to "enter" back into the American time frame of mind.  I have to say the extra hour we gained by "falling back" Saturday night was a blessing!  It seems as though life is moving so quickly.  When Tom was alive, life was slower, calmer and we never hurried.  I miss that...but I miss Tom more.  It's hard to believe a year ago we were in Mt. Vernon, Ohio for the MVNU Autobrokers Basketball Invitational, reeling from the latest reality that Tom was now paralysed on his right side.  This year, back at the same tournament and reeling from the reality that Tom wasn't with us.  Zac, Sarah and I left Columbus late Friday afternoon and headed to Mt. Vernon to check into our hotel and then out to dinner.  A very special surprise greeted us in our edible fruit arrangement and container of homemade chocolate chip cookies from my Grace Group!!  I would share a picture, however I forgot to take one!  The fruit arrangement was in a ceramic basketball container...what a clever and thoughtful gesture from an awesome group of friends...THANK YOU!
We met up with my brother, Mike, Cheryl, Morgan (her friend, Kody), Braden, my sister, Kelly and Terry for dinner at Parkside Diner.  They sat us at the very table we enjoyed Tom, Matt and Zac's birthday dinner just a year ago!  Every step of this journey is a continued 'over-coming' of sorts and God is meeting me at each step, allowing me to breathe in His grace as I have wonderful memories of our times past.
It was a great start to Matt's season watching the MVNU Cougars beat OSU-Newark 76-62.  We called it a night and headed back to the Mt. Vernon Inn.  What perfect accommodations for us on the eve of Tom's 50th birthday.  We woke in the morning to breakfast aromas beckoning us to come eat.  What a beautiful dining room filled with God's sunshine to warm us and remind us of His presence.  Not only was the food delicious and the conversation sweet, BUT Zac surprised both Sarah and I with special notes and Pandora beads for our bracelets, in honor of Tom.  Sarah received the "dad" bead and Zac chose a diamond cross to remind me of Christ's redeeming love!  The tears were flowing!
Mike and Cheryl also spent the night in Mt. Vernon and met back up with us Saturday morning for wonderful conversation before we headed to campus to see Morgan's room then head downtown for some antique window shopping.  As I browsed through the antique shop my mind was continually on Tom and each thing I seemed to see reminded me of him in some way...GI Joes, Coke bottles, etc.  What we enjoy today will end up in an antique shop someday...old, worn out, dusty and of not much use!
We were back in the gym for game #2 by 4:00 ready to cheer Matt and the Cougars onto another victory.  A tighter game but with good results...MVNU beat Ohio Christian University 77-75.  This is a good start to the season.  Thanks to Travis, Emily, Tim, Lauren, Andrew and Erin for making the trip to the game.  We then went to Donato's Pizza to celebrate Matt, another year and another victory.
Happy 21st Birthday Matt!
Family - priceless
Matt was able to come home with us Saturday night.  We enjoyed worship together Sunday morning and then a restful day at home.  Sarah and Matt went to the early voting precinct only to find the lines wrapped around the building!  Not the way they wanted to spend their Sunday so they came home and will fight through the lines on Tuesday to vote.  Terry, Kelly and Zac were able to come over Sunday afternoon to have cake and ice cream before Matt had to return to campus.
There is so much to be thankful for....from my thankfulness journal:
#1276 - visit and sunshine tulips from Suzanne Homoelle
#1277 - antibiotics for sinus infection
#1278 - Carylee Meyers bringing me Panera soup & salad when I didn't feel well
#1279 - time with Sarah
#1280 - Stephanie LaMonte bringing me homemade butternut squash soup, cornbread & tea when I didn't feel well
#1281 - the Deskin boys and friends raking my leaves
#1282 - Edible Arrangement
#1283 - chocolate chip cookies
#1284 - Parkside Diner
#1285 - MVNU Victory #1
#1286 - Jerry, Sue, Curt, Tiffany, Terry, Kelly, Mike, Cheryl, Morgan, Kody & Braden cheering for Matt
#1287 - Mt. Vernon Inn
#1288 - Pandora beads from Zac
#1289 - tears
#1290 - conversation
#1291 - Mike & Cheryl's amazing godly attitudes
#1292 - Antiques
#1293 - MVNU Victory #2
#1294 - Travis & Emily carrying new life...Annie
#1295 - Donato's Party Room
#1296 - Brennan's keeping Addy
#1297 - cake and ice cream
#1298 - encouragement notes from Sue Merrin
#1299 - encouraging note from Letitia Yoder
#1300 - surprise roses from an anonymous friend
"Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."
I Thess. 5:16-18