Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Uncle Jim & Brinley Jo!

Yesterday was my first "official" day back at work and while I was there I got to thinking maybe it was March 11th and the past 5 months were just a nightmare!  I checked the calendar and no, it was August 11th...pinch myself, yes...the last 5 months were real...bummer!  Work went well.  I was able to recall most things...we'll see how I do when Steve and Jill aren't there next Tuesday and Wednesday...a true test.
Today my Uncle Jim celebrates his birthday and Tom and I both want to "shout out" to him...thank you so much for the "special" card we received yesterday.
"Happy Birthday"
We pray your day is blessed...we love you!
Our dear nephew and his family are missionaries in Madagascar!  Their second daughter, Brinley, celebrates her 3rd birthday today.  We know God has special things planned for her as she follows dad and mom around the globe to serve Christ.  Even though we haven't met sweet Brinley in person (just Skype), she is very near and dear to our hearts and in our prayers...we love you Brinley.  We pray your day is as special as you are!


Barb said...

Wow...I lost track of time and just today visited your blog! What an adventure you have had since I last read! So glad that the Zofar is the key to helping Tom with his nausea. It is no surprise to anyone who knows Tom, that he was back at work the next day.

I loved "catching up" and reading about all the adventures God has taken you on since I last checked.
I can certainly relate to running into people when you make the decision to go to the store without make-up! Sounds like God put just the right people in your path that day.

Will continue to pray for you as you get back into work, Matt as he ministers with MVNU and Sarah & Zac as they minister and for Tom as he continues to faithfully "fight the good fight". You and he are an honest testimony of the difficulties and trials as well as the obedience to the Lord as you walk this journey together.

Much love to you all,

Barb said...

Forgot to mention how beautiful the picture of you and Tom and your family is in this blog!! Love the orange and you all look great!!