Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Temodar Trials

Only God could know all that would transpire in 24 hours since I was sitting here yesterday!  We went into round 2 of chemo thinking we were wiser and prepared...not.  Yes, I did fix a milder meal...yes, Tom took the anti-nausea medication an hour prior to the Temodar and last night was very reminiscent of a month ago.  At exactly 1 a.m. Tom woke with vomiting.  It had been 4 hours since last taking it so I headed downstairs to retrieve the compazine when the dog decided she needed out.  It wasn't 30 minutes later Tom was back in the bathroom.  After 4 trips to the bathroom every 30 minutes his tummy was empty.  This was not how we wanted the night to go.
Matt left this morning along with the MNVU men's basketball team to Belize for a mission's trip.  I took Matt to the airport at 6 a.m.  Yes, we're all a little tired today.  Please pray for Matt and the team as they minister and share Christ with the people God has for them there.  Matt took my camera with him so I won't be posting any new photos.  I feel lost without my camera has been close at my side for the past 5 months!
In spite of our night, Tom still wanted to be at work today.  A family interview at 9:30 and then a Principal's meeting at 11:30 is what was on Tom's plate today.  I will pick him up at 2:30 to come home and rest.  I just may take a nap today too!  I am so proud of Tom's "gumption" for getting up and going, pushing himself past his "cancer world" and back into the christian school realm of life.  They say you can't keep a good man down...he's an example of that!
After taking Tom to work this morning I made a last minute decision to run some errands.  Now please understand that this is true...when you don't put on make-up, brush your teeth, wear jewelry, change your clothes from the day before and feel pretty will run into at least 4 people you know!!  First Anne Marie saw me in the parking lot and pulled in to "catch up" as she was on her way (without the kids) to meet a friend for breakfast.  She is always an encouragement to me and was the one who gave me the book "One Thousand Gifts" that has changed my life.  As we were standing in the parking lot laughing, crying, hugging and catching up, Sandy Long came over to hug us both and bring more encouragement.  It was an 11 year battle with brain cancer that Rick & Sandy's son, Ryan had so many years ago...but always fresh on her heart.  On into the store I went where God ordained I meet up with Claudia O'Donnell.  I haven't seen Claudia in quite some time and I was reminded of her fingerprints on my heart as she was instrumental in my christian growth over the years leading, teaching and discipling me through God's Word.  I miss you, Claudia.  Not 5 minutes after Claudia walked away Colleen King (a friend of my moms) brought more encouragement.  Colleen had recently had her 5 grandchildren with her and she said without fail every morning and every night they were faithful to pray for Tom!  What a blessing God had for me when I changed my mind and decided to go ahead with my errands and not back home to sulk or primp before then going out!
"And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19
After speaking with the nurse at the oncologists office, they have called in a new anti-nausea medication to use tonight.  We pray that, like last time, this will be a one night affair.
Wow...are you ready for my "Barefoot Landing" vacation highlights?  "Barefoot Landing" is the name of the home we stay in.  It is true that you don't need shoes there, except my feet are not used to a tiled kitchen floor and I needed shoes in the kitchen!  Prior to our trip my sister, sister-in-law and I plan our meals for the week.  Each of us have two nights we are responsible for the main meal.  We have kept the same meals over the years that work well for us.  Well this year we had to mix it up a little.  My niece, Cassidy, was diagnosed with celiac disease last year and now with Tom's food restrictions we had to change a few things.  I had roast turkey breast and turkey tacos.  Kelly had turkey burgers and a meal we weren't there for...bad for you brats.  Cheryl had chicken Alfredo and spaghetti with turkey meatballs.  Tom and I appreciate our family for putting up with our change.  It was exciting for me to see Cassidy so happy and she didn't get sick once the whole week...that's a praise!  Our last night we have a leftover bar and clean out the fridge.
Because we were a day later than the group on our arrival, they made an executive decision to put Tom and I in the owner's apartment where Tom could have more peace and quiet.  It worked out great for him to sleep in, take naps and go to bed early at night.  You have to understand that when you have 24 people in one house it can get rather loud.  Thank you to our family for making that executive decision.
Proud Grandparents
I will have to get a copy of the whole group from Aubrey to put on the blog.
Every year we take family and group pictures.  Each family is designated a different color so that when my mom pulls out her brag book each family is distinguished.  All I can say is that the girls love picture night and the boys merely tolerate it.  As a new member joins the family we always warn them about the picture night...if they can endure that then they're in the family for good!  We enjoyed welcoming our newest member this year, Travis.  Travis and Emily will be united in marriage on September 24th!  Travis and Emily met at MVNU where he studied business.  He graduated in 2010 and has been working as a bank manager in Newark.  They have purchased their first home in Newark and Travis has been doing his handyman/remodeling projects while Emily decorates and studied for her nursing board exam which she took yesterday.
Travis & Emily
Each day, one by one we would awake to quiet times in God's Word on the screen porch or deck.  As the chairs would fill more chairs were found and brought in!  There were a brave few who would rise early enough to get out on the boat to catch a ski run on water like glass with the fog still lifting before breakfast.  As tummy's would start to grumble the kitchen crew would start in on the big breakfast.  One of my highlights was watching the girl cousins make a plethora of pancakes...whole wheat, blueberry, plain, gluten-free and chocolate chip!  I've never seen so many pancakes or seen so many get eaten so quickly.  Fun times usually are around least with our family.
After breakfast clean-up, packing coolers with snacks and getting slathered with sun-screen we would one-by-one descend the many steps (105 to be exact!) for a day on the water/dock.  My dad normally brings his boat, however this year traveling from Florida my parents didn't want that extra burden, so my brother-in-law, Terry rented a ski boat from a nearby dock for the week.  Along with my brother's boat, john boat, and jet ski and my niece & nephew's jet ski we almost have enough floatation devices, but not quite!  We 8 adults found ourselves enjoying the peace and quiet once the 16 kids left on both boats for the day.  Between skiing, wake boarding and tubing they would find many places to jump from rocks (cliffs).  We get freaked out when in the evening they show us the video's they've made and the crazy fun they have had together! 
Seventy somethings still acting like it!
Tom would enjoy the dock time quiet and then after a bite of lunch head to nap in the peace and quiet of the owner's apartment.  He would then make his presence known for our dinner meal and evenings of games or movies.
This year Terry and Kelly brought a DVD video series on marriage.  We laughed ourselves silly as the married (& engaged) couples enjoyed hearing the differences between men and women.  It always amazes us how different we are and yet how well we compliment each other when we are obedient to God's Word and His plan for marriage.  BINGO and 2 minutes have new meaning to all of us!

Morgan's Baptism
Braden's Baptism
The ultimate highlight of the week was seeing my niece and nephew be baptised!  My brother shared that a parent's greatest joy is seeing their children be obedient to Christ...and Tom and I agreed.  We knew that God has been tugging on Morgan's heart and she had asked her dad if she could be baptised at the lake.  Mike and Cheryl had contacted our son-in-law, Zac to see if he could share too.  We knew that if they had been baptised at their church we probably wouldn't get to be there.  So we are so thankful and blessed that God put it on Morgan's heart to be baptised at Norris Lake.  It was an added bonus for us to realize that Braden decided he wanted to also.  We pray that both Morgan and Braden will walk closely with Jesus and that their lights will shine brightly for Him as they journey in this life.  Zac was able to share truth from God's Word and wrap up the "service".
My brother's family...
Tim, Lauren, Cheryl, Braden, Morgan, Mike & Erin
Another highlight of the week was as the 8 adults were headed out on the boat, my sister was checking out the rental boat and the different compartments.  As she opened one she slammed it shut and screamed and jumped out of the boat saying there's a rat in there!  We have quite a few manly men in our group, but all seemed a little fearful of a rat!  Tom managed to be the calmest of all and ready to defend himself should the rat head his direction.  After finding the right "tools" for the job my brother "rescued" the rat into the lake...who knew rats could swim so well!  The adventures we have on this earth.
Ready for the rat...with a karate chop!
(see the gray, round compartment with the slot was in there,
the rat didn't know that dropped 2' down with no food when he went in!)

1 comment:

Troy said...

Tom is a stud. Seriosuly, I can't believe he was at work today, esp. in a principals meeting!
