Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Catching Up

When I take breaks from blogging it makes my brain work extra hard recalling all that has happened!
I'll start with my girls night out on Friday.  Terri Parrish, Carylee Meyers and I went to see the movie "The Help".  I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend it as a "chick flick".  After the movie we went to "Orange Leaf" for frozen yogurt.  This was a new experience for me and it also comes highly recommended.  There are many different flavors of frozen yogurt to choose from and you don't just have to have one!  After sufficiently filling your cup to your liking you proceed to the topping area...overwhelming!  Too many to try them all, so I guess we'll have to go back!  At the end you weigh your bowl and pay accordingly.  Not that that was enough we enjoyed a table outside and chatted away the night.  What great fellowship shared with two very dear friends.
We found out on Friday that my niece, Brittany and her husband, Dan, are expecting a BOY!  Our family who has been predominately of the female persuasion is now being taken over by the male species!  We can't wait to meet the "little Mr." at the end of the year or possibly at the beginning of 2012...whenever he chooses to enter the world it will be a special day.
Kelly, Cheryl, Christian, Aunt Margaret, Kim & Lisa
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KIM! I hope your computer is fixed so you can get your birthday greeting!
Saturday started with my sister and I going to Ashland, Ohio (please forgive me Elaine for not calling you) to a special bead store before going to my cousin's daughter's bridal shower in Mansfield.  Kelly and I were hard-pressed to select just the right beads since the selection was great.  After making our choices we went to the shower.  What a beautiful shower with a great opportunity to visit with my aunt and cousin.  I pray I'm as fun, sweet and young as my Aunt Margaret when I'm 82!!
Sister Kelly, Sister-in-law Cheryl, Aunt Margaret & Me
After the shower Kelly and I enjoyed a leisurely shopping spree through Gabriel Brothers!  We arrived back in Columbus in time for me to catch up with Tom and he even beat me in a game of Skip Bo.
Cousin Randy, Aunt Margaret & Cousin Kim
Our new beads!
Before leaving on Saturday for the day I text several of Tom's friends...Elden, Kent, Kevin & see if any of them could at some point stop in to visit with Tom (but not during nap time!) to help pass his day alone.  Tom said that they all stopped at some point!  Elden brought a bounty of fresh corn, tomatoes and cucumbers.  Terry and Zac picked up Chipotle for their dinner.  Thank you to all of you who took time out of your busy Saturday to encourage Tom.
Once again God blessed us on Sunday morning.  Two recent WCHS graduates, Annie Barlow and Ally Butterworth, sang "Blessings" for the offertory.  This is the song that has encouraged me through this trial and I had posted here earlier on the blog.  It's still here if you want to'll be blessed.  Let's just say that I needed a tissue during that and they did an amazing job...thanks Annie and Ally.  Pastor Beau Stanley then took us to II Timothy 4 for our last sermon from the series on Paul. 
"In the future,
there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness,
which the Lord,
the righteous Judge,
will give me on that day,
and not only to me,
but to all those who have loved His appearing."
II Timothy 4:8
The future is very near to our hearts and Tom and I both look forward to meeting our "righteous Judge" to receive our crowns.  We are only here on this earth for the time God allows.  We pray that, like Paul, we have fought the good fight, finish the race and keep the faith during our short stint here.  In verse 2 Paul calls us to "proclaim the message, persist in it whether convenient or not" so if you're reading this and you're not absolutely certain of your future, please call out to the Lord and He will hear you.  God has given Tom and I this "platform" and we want to proclaim the message of Christ through this trial, giving Him all the glory.  The service ended with another WCHS student, Crista Anderson, singing "Give Me Jesus" what a powerful way to end a message on Heaven!...more tissues...
Sunday was a typical "day of rest".  Late in the afternoon we received a call from our good friends, Scott and Kathy Weakley who wanted to come visit.  We decided to have them join us for dinner.  I was able to "throw together" some stuffed red peppers, fresh green beans and some blueberry crisp and Kathy tossed together an organic lettuce salad and we had a great evening!  I said the impromptu gatherings work better than most planned events!  It was so fun to see recent pictures of their new grandson, Jonathan...he's adorable.  I know it's sad that they live so far away in Texas.
I was able to clean a friend's home for her on Monday.  After cleaning I picked Tom up from the HS.  He took his afternoon nap while I mowed, edged and weeded in the yard.  To say the least...I was very tired that night!
MVNU Men's Basketball Team - Belize, Central America
Tuesday was very busy.  Tom had his freshman orientation on Tuesday morning and evening.  Thanks to David Stoll for bringing Tom home in the afternoon while I was back at The Uniform Store working 10-7 for Steve and Jill Coon while they took their daughter Emilee to Liberty University.  Dave Muschott then picked Tom up for the evening session of orientation.  I was home for a short time before picking Matt up at the airport from his MVNU Men's Basketball Missions Trip to Belize!  What a fun time to hear him tell of their adventures in Central America.  I now have my camera back.  I was surprised to see all 350 pictures he took while there.  It's so good to have him home safely and know that God used the team.  They stayed at a primitive camp in a bunk house with no air-conditioning!  They did service projects in the morning and then ran a basketball camp for the local children.  One of Matt's highlights was sharing his faith with a young believer and hearing his teammates share their faith drawing them all closer to each other.  We pray that each of these opportunities God gives Matt, makes him into the man God desires him to be.
We are so grateful to the Lord for seeing Tom's mom through cataract surgery on Tuesday.  She had little to no pain and will go back in two weeks to have the other eye done.  We are so glad to live in a day when technology allows for the medical treatments to make our daily lives better!  Way to go're a trooper.  We just wish we were closer to pamper you.
Granny Anglea

1 comment:

Barb said...

So glad you enjoyed your "girl time" is good to have those times to refresh. The music and the sermon on Sunday were very relevant and uplifting, I agree. So good to hear that Tom was at wouldn't be the same without him. Glad to hear that Matt is home and was blessed and was a blessing to others. Continuing to pray for you all.