Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Good Bye Compazine, Hello Zofran!

We are rejoicing in a full night of sleep.  It is obvious that the new anti-nausea medication, Zofran, was the trick.  Tom is still asleep as I write.  I pray that he will "bounce back" quickly after a rough Monday night and a full day of work Tuesday.  He has two meetings at work today, one at 11 and the other at 2.  We are thankful he could sleep in today.
Last night we received this text from my niece, Emily:
License Status:  ACTIVE
Emily Herbst, RN, BSN
Way to go Emily!  We are so proud of you and know you will be used by God as His instrument to hurting people at Licking Memorial Hospital.
I am planning on going into The Uniform Store on Thursday and Friday to re-acclimate myself to my old job!  I am so thankful to Steve and Jill Coon who have been more than "bend over backwards" for me these past five months.  Their flexibility and love for both Tom and I has been extreme.  I look forward to being in the new store, getting into a routine again and "hanging" out with my friend!  Steve and Jill live around the corner from us and have put in an amazing garden that we get to partake from!  Before we left for vacation they blessed us with a bounty basket that was amazing (see pic below).  They will take their daughter, Emilee to Liberty University next week so I will be full go at the store.  I know that Emilee will thrive there and that God will use me to help them through that "first child flying from the nest" emptiness.
Friday night I have plans to go see the new movie "The Help" with girlfriends!  It's always fun to have something to look forward to.
Saturday Tom will be on his own for awhile as my sister and I travel back to our hometown, Mansfield, for a cousin's bridal shower.  We plan to make a special trip to the bead store there too.

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