Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Two Days, Two Outings!

Back:  Andrew, Zac, Matt & Mike
Front:  Zac, Tom & Braden
We are so thankful for the smooth trip to Mt. Vernon on Saturday.  What an adventure.  I had a list of items that we needed to remember to take with us and I realize now that an outing wouldn't happen without many hands of help.  We decided to drive my sister's Chevy Equinox making for an easier transition from the wheelchair for Tom.  This vehicle is just enough higher than our car, make getting in and out less of an effort.  The hardest part for me is getting the wheelchair in and out, Tom is a breeze compared to that "contraption"!  I know the new wheelchair will be lighter, but still cumbersome.  We are so thankful to Zac and Sarah for all their help this weekend.  We know they will enjoy resting back in Winona Lake after a "working weekend" in Columbus!  Once we arrived at MVNU we settled into sideline seats ready to cheer the Cougars to victory.  We arrived just in time for the start of the game which prohibited Tom from getting the seat he desired, so at halftime we made our move to the other end of the gym which gave him a better angle to view the game and also get some hand shakes from the players after the victory!  The only "adventure" we had was getting Tom into the referee restroom just after halftime so he could use the facilities.  It was a tight space with awkward turns for the wheelchair.  Once into position we realized the toilet was made for very short people (isn't that what referees usually are?!).  So glad that my brother and Zac were there to help me lower Tom down to a 'below sea level' altitude, his knees were up to his ears!!  It was workable, but I realized I could never do this on my own.  It was a well fought game and we were so thankful Matt had some playing time.
After the victory we all (12 of us) went to the Parkside Diner for a birthday celebration dinner!  Tom, I, Sarah, Zac, Matt, Katelyn, my brother, Mike, sister-in-love, Cheryl, niece, Erin, Andrew, nephews Braden and Zac made for a table full of fun and laughter!  I believe everyone enjoyed their meal and the fellowship.
November Birthday Boys
Zac 11/12, Matt 11/4 & Tom 11/3
Not only do Tom and Matt celebrate November birthdays, but our son-in-love does too!  One big happy celebration.  Sarah baked the yummy double chocolate "Aunt Cheryl" cake that we enjoyed.  Tom's appetite was in full force...4 homemade "Parkside" famous rolls, house salad, large cheeseburger, french fries, some of Cheryl & Sarah's prime rib, half of Katelyn's turkey sandwich and a piece of cake!!  Were we really on a healthy diet?  Imperative word:  were.
I have to say that Tom was ready for bed when we got home.  I have to say that last night was the best sleep we've had.  I guess we need to wear him out more often!!  We are thankful too for the "fall forward" time change that gave us an "extra hour".
Tom awoke this morning ready to take on the challenge of getting ready for church.  I am so grateful that the trip to MVNU gave him the confidence to get up and go to church this morning.  Once again having many hands to make the trip a little less complicated was a blessing.  I have to mention too that God has blessed us with beautiful weather that make this easier too.  Praising God for the blessing of being with fellow believers in worship this morning and encouraged through God's Word.
Please pray for our busy week.  Tomorrow Tom will start his day with speech therapy (2x/week) then physical therapy (3x/week) in the afternoon with another outing to Dr. Zerick's at 3:30!  Whew...I'm tired just thinking about it...okay so I'm tired before I even think about it!!
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13

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