Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Birthday, Terry!

Happy Birthday, Terry!
Tom has always considered Terry as a brother.  They have always enjoyed their time together and "connect" on so many levels...finances, sports, education, cars, hunting, fishing and their love for the Lord.  Terry has been there for us since Tom has come into the family and nothing has changed since Tom's diagnosis in March.  Terry has stepped up to the plate and been a huge support for us, coming to the hospital over his lunch hour and then back in the evening too.  Helping here at the house and however he can is so appreciated.  We celebrated as best we could here at our house today.  Terry and Kelly picked up Chinese carry out and Kelly had baked a cake...mix it all together with 15 people and it's a party!
After lunch both Tom and I took naps (in separate rooms!) to try to make up for a lack of sleep our first night home.  I knew coming home would take adjustments, I just never realized how tiring it would be.  We definitely saw many hours on the clock through the night as Tom needed up to use the bathroom frequently...and it's quite a process!  To say the least I was exhausted in the morning.  We are so thankful to my brother and sister-in-love, Mike and Cheryl, for spending the night with us and being here to help with so much.  Cheryl fixed breakfast for us and we enjoyed fellowship around the table.  After breakfast we watched the church service from last Sunday at Grace, even though we miss the corporate worship we feel connected to our "body of believers" with the DVD's the church sends us.
Matt and Katelyn were able to drive down from Mt. Vernon to spend the day with us.  It is always special to have them here.
Hobie Raikes stopped by with early birthday wishes for Tom from a host of special friends...with balloons, card, excessively large cookie and gift cards to Lowe's!  Thank you to the Raike's, Snedecor's, Hassey's, Romanelli's, Todd's, Sander's and Severance Families.  THANK YOU!
Kelly, Sarah, Cheryl, Lauren, Morgan & Lisa
Last night while the boys were enjoying watching the Buckeyes beat Wisconsin (sorry Tim "B"), we girls piled into Tom and my bed to watch HGTV!  Yes, we are "one big happy" family...I think the communal living idea would work!  We are silly.
Today the Home Health nurse stopped by to meet us and get an assessment on Tom.  We will continue with the once a week nursing care.  Tom will also have physical, occupational and speech therapy here at the house.  I'm still not sure how often they will come, but we are so blessed to have Kay Scott (family friend) as Tom's physical therapist.  She will be here tomorrow to put Tom to work!

1 comment:

BDE said...


Just want to let you know that all of you are in our prayers daily. I know I've mentioned this before (I tend to repeat myself as I am getting older),that at a time when I needed a Godly man to challenge me in my own walk with the Lord, Tom was that man!

I am glad that to hear that Kay Scott is Tom's physical therapist. She helped me out after I had my hip replacement surgery. She brings a certain comfort level to the process. Glad Tom is home.

Brian & Kay Elder