Christmas Morning
Many have commented that they miss a blog update...please forgive me for not posting sooner. With the busy-ness of the holidays, celebrations, parents visiting, along with sinus, sore throat and sadness I have not posted! This second round of chemo has been much easier on my body, however with the cold and sore throat lingering so long I haven't quite been myself.I can't begin to describe the hole in my heart I've experienced through Christmas and New Years. So many voids of Tom and his presence here. I told the kids on Christmas morning (through tears) that dad would have said "mom puts the 'special' in Christmas" and I told them that "dad put the 'special' in Christmas"...and yet we both knew that 'together' we made Christmas special at the Anglea home. We were a team. I said I wasn't sure how to do it alone, but it was an attempt at doing the best I could. We know that Christ is Who makes our Christmas special and He not only saw us through Christmas, but will see us through all our days as we adjust to life without Tom.
"Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began but now made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures made known to all nations,
according to the commandment of the everlasting God,
for obedience to the faith— to God,
alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen."
according to the commandment of the everlasting God,
for obedience to the faith— to God,
alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen."
Romans 16:25-27
Beef Stew, Rolls and
Cherry Pie...Thank You, Suzanne Homoelle!
A beautiful poinsettia from the Homoelles!
Tortellini Soup...Thank You, O'Roarks!
Chicken & Noodles, Salad, Homemade Bread and
Chocolate Covered Pretzels...Thank You, Anne Marie Weakley & family!
4 Generations of Love
Granny, Emily, Annie Grace & Kelly
Traditional "Welcome to the Family" Sweater & Dickie!
What a good sport Andrew!!!
Cheryl, Lisa & Kelly
Celebrating Declan's 1st Birthday!
His Lion Cake! Good Job cute!
Big Papa & GG with "greats" Declan & Annie Grace
Thank You, Jan Young for your sweet gifts, prayer & encouragement!
Thank You, Harmon Family for a fun visit & warm, snuggie socks!
Thank You, Marylou & Susan Goldman for the yummy banana bread!
Thank You, Margaret Paparella for the tea, pizzelles, CD and
Struffoli (Tiny Honey Balls) an Italian Christmas delight!
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