Mama Lisa & Jacob

Mama Lisa & Jacob
Mama Lisa & Jacob Thomas

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Life in Motion

Homemade Carmel corn from Donna Fasnaught & Cheryl Kaufman!
This time of year is normally busy...add a few doctor appointments, rehab therapy three times a week and life is in full swing.  I'm thankful for all the hands of help who have gathered around us.  God has not, does not and will not let us down with His provisions for us.  We are blessed each day with a mailbox full of well wishes and Christmas greetings too!  We have received packages of love and meals in abundance.  We are blessed and God is so good.
 We received a special invitation to Vista Community Church's Christmas program.  This past Sunday evening we were blessed and moved by the Spirit through the well thought out program that focused on turning our lives 180 degrees toward Christ...emphasizing that "through the trials of life, God's love will lead you on."  After the program they had each person reach under their seat to retrieve a magnet to take home with a verse on it.
Tom's verse:
"When I am afraid, I will trust in You."
Psalm 56:3
My verse:
"May the God of hope fill you will all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Romans 15:13
God's Word, once again bringing us His peace.
Sunday before we left for the program the Nishizaki family once again brought us another delicious, last minute, dinner!  Scott is known for his clam chowder and now knows we love it too!  Thanks Nish's!
 Today at therapy they said Tom qualifies for 40 therapy sessions a year and in order to maximize Tom's therapy they are "amping" up his rehab to three times a week!  So now add Friday to the therapy schedule.  Today when we got home from therapy there was a large "Cheryl's Cookies" box at the front door!  An OSU Cookie Jar with Buckeye cut-outs and chocolate chip cookies from the Tinnel Family & Janice Barricklow!  Thank you dear friends, not only for your friendship and love, but for your unceasing prayers on our one knows better than you what we are going through.
Tom & dear friend...Dr. Buzz
Tonight we were treated to a seafood feast...I'm not allowed to say who treated us to this special night of feasting, entertainment and blessing...but if you're smart you can figure it out!
Lisa's first taste of lobster!
The presentation was beautiful.  We are in awe of such love.  What an amazing memory that was made tonight feasting on such delicacies.  Each course brought another "wow" factor.  Thank you!
Dr. Robert Cavaliere, M.D.
Tomorrow we are headed to OSU Medical Center for a second opinion.  We are meeting with Dr. Robert Cavaliere a neuro-oncologist.  Please pray that God would give the doctor along with us clear information that will help us in making wise decisions regarding the best care for Tom.

1 comment:

Mr. Stoll said...

Tom and Lisa, We continue to lift you up in prayer as you seek wisdom from Him through the doctors and others. He is the GREAT PHYSICIAN!
much love, David and Emily Stoll