I will never be able to convey on this blog the emotion that Sunday brought. As I mentioned before I was reading a book "One Thousand Gifts" that I was able to finish last week and then share with Tom's mom. She is currently reading it now and I've ordered a copy for myself because it was so applicable to where I am now in life. Anyway, the whole premise of the book is about thankfulness and even when Christ
knew He was going to the cross, in the upper room with His disciples prior to His Crucifixion He "...took bread,
gave thanks, broke it and said, "This is My body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of Me." I Corinthians 11:24 The author goes into great detail about the Eucharist, the Lord's Supper, and the importance of His "giving thanks". Before leaving for church yesterday I checked my e-mail and there was a notice from our church back home that communion would be that night. I was sad to know that Tom and I wouldn't be there to share in it with our church family. Anyway we walked into church here in Venice and the lights were low and the Communion table was prepared at the front of the church and the lights were flickering off the gold trays and my heart leaped with thanksgiving. Isn't that just like my God to provide that at just His perfect time! The service began and so did my tears...my heart was full. The sermon was titled "Building Strong Lives" and starting with Genesis 1:1 God has pointed us to His Son. It was a special time.
After church the eight of us went to Sharky's on the beach for a great lunch and time of conversation. Tom enjoyed his mahi mahi tacos and I really liked my shrimp pita! Once home Tom took his nap and the rest of us enjoyed pool time. When Tom came out to the pool after his nap he wasn't "right". He sat down in a chair and when asked a question he wasn't able to respond. His eyes didn't look right to me and alarm went off in me. He couldn't talk at all or make any sense. We got him inside and I called his surgeon back in Columbus. The surgeon believes Tom was having a seizure and called in more anti-seizure medication. My sister-in-law, Cheryl, a nurse who comes to attention and very helpful in situations such as this was very helpful. My dad "rushed" me to the CVS to pick up the medication and I won't be surprised if he receives a speeding ticket from one of the stop light cameras that are on every light!! It was more excitement than any of us wanted to have. Within an hour Tom was getting better and feeling like he was coming out of "it". His vision was again "altered" and he can't explain it fully because it is hard for him to describe. Anyway we are thankful he's not in the hospital and that it passed quickly. Please pray that the medication will keep him from experiencing another situation like this. We continue to trust God and His leading, guiding and healing hand upon Tom.
Matt arrived home to Columbus last night safely after a couple of Southwest delays. Zac and Sarah were staying at our house over the weekend while Sarah was in CJ & Jonathan's wedding. It was good that Matt didn't go home to an empty house. Zac and Sarah traveled back to Winona Lake, IN this morning. We praise the Lord for His merciful hand upon our children as they travel.
This morning after breakfast Tom and I took a walk around my parent's neighborhood. God blessed us with His beauty of creation. I took my camera to capture these special glimpses of God Creator.
Wow! So glad that Cheryl was close-by to help you during this particular moment. Continuing to pray for you and Tom as you navigate through these days. I am continually grateful that we have a wonderful God to go to in times of need. Hugs to both of you.
It's amazing Tom knew to come to the pool...again God! Also you were with family and not by yourselves...again God! Continuning to pray daily for healing and seizures to stop. Did you hear Jim Reed passed early yesterday morning? He had been ill for a while. Really sad.
Lisa- Thank you for taking the time to post such detailed, touching, and informative blog posts. I am so glad that you were able to get hold of Dr.Zerick and he was able to get the medicine called in efficiently. A speeding ticket is a small price to pay to get those anti seizure meds into Tom quickly! Your vacation sounds wonderful and I am vicariously enjoying the trip through your pictures. The verse on the lamb is one of my favorites and it always brings me to tears. Love, Ellen S
What a Sunday you had...I am so thankful that you were able to get the medication that Tom needed...and that you had family nearby to help. I got to see Matt at a baseball game last night and it was so nice to talk to him. Said you all had a great time on vacation...such a handsome and wonderful young man. He was meeting friends for dinner after the game. I can't believe how much he has filled out since starting college. Amazing how quickly they turn into men right before our eyes. We will continue to pray for you all and especially that the seizures are controlled by the meds. Praying you will enjoy your remaining time in Florida.
Praying for both of you, and asking God for His healing touch, and that the seizure was a one-time event. Enjoy the rest of your time in my favorite Florida town!
In Christ,
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